“The team held a decent tournament. If before the difference in class in matches with Canada, Sweden and the USA was visible, now we have not given anything to them. In the match with the United States, we missed a lot of moments. It’s pointless to talk about refereeing, we have to be stronger, ”quotes the Bure“ Championship ”.

He also noted with regret that few team players have a stable place in the clubs of the Continental Hockey League (KHL).

“The point is not at all in the level, the coaches are simply afraid to put them. I debuted at the heart of CSKA at the age of 16, at the age of 17 I had a permanent place in the line-up ... It was a streamlined generation change system that we need to recreate, ”added Bure.

Earlier, Vladimir Plyuschev named the reasons for Russia's defeat in the MFM semi-final.