Arrived at the Bab in 2014, the Maugeois Matthieu Robin has experienced great sports joy but also a great human adventure. Still under the shock of filing for bankruptcy, he confided in the balance sheet of the Aubance club.

Matthew, after this clap of sudden end, what do you remember from your Brissac years?

The day after the announcement, it's complicated to keep only the positive of these years even if, in quotation marks, it was a magnificent adventure. From my first year here, we are a little back in the history of the club, earning a first participation in the playoffs. And we won the Coupe de France Trophy, it was a magnificent season. The second was again very good with this new participation in the playoffs. And the third, we concretized by getting this rise in N1. From the N1, on the sporting level, I kept only good memories. But today, my feelings are divided.

"It was a shock"

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Reserved for Basketball subscribers. Brissac filed for bankruptcy: "A huge mess" for the coach

You players were aware of the situation ...

The new management told us things, as far as it could because we were there to play. But from the moment the Federation refused the commitment of our three recruits, we suspected that there was a problem. After, between the fact of saying that we could arrive one day in bankruptcy and the fact that it happens ... It was a shock.

Sportingly, you thought you could get away with it?

The problem is that we ended up at 7, with a team necessarily unbalanced. But the new formula of the N1, with two phases, was that we thought playable support. Sportingly, it was complicated but not over. Administratively, we knew it was so complicated but we saw that people were fighting for us. We believed it. The new management really worked hard to save us.

For some time, bankruptcy rumors have been persistent ...

Yes, the basketball middle is small. In the last few days, I have been receiving messages from friends playing in other clubs, N1, Pro B, telling me that they have heard things. We were aware of the difficulties but from there to imagine that: stop!

Are you ready to look into the future?

It's very complicated. It's a big shock. We are all unemployed, with a procedure that will take a little time so we can not engage elsewhere in the immediate future. And we are at the end of the year, the budgets are closed. It will be very difficult to find a spot in a team. The period is very delicate for us players. We are all here to support each other, we are all in the same boat. After, everyone will have to make choices in relation to their situation. Personally, I was so attached to this club for five years ... My wife is pregnant, we are waiting for a birth for in three months.

You are attacking your 5th season at the club ...

I am very attached to it. I had proposals to leave, better paid, but I always wanted to stay at Bab. For me, it's more than a club. There was CB where I learned everything, then passages by Aix and Metz, and since 2014, Brissac. Humanly, I made some very important connections, it was like a family. My parents also came to see me every game. We had such popular support, it's a big slap for everyone.