The South American Football Association Conmebol has submitted a proposal after the Football World Cup is to be held every two years. This is reported by the New York Times. Conmebol President Alejandro Dominguez had already submitted a proposal to this effect at the Fifa Council meeting in Rwanda at the end of October.

Aligning the World Cup at shorter intervals is the better alternative to continental championships, the proposal says. The World Cup is by far the most profitable competition of the World Association.

That the proposal is put into action, however, is unlikely. Especially the Uefa would probably protest against a relocation of their European Championship. Dominguez's argument for a shortened cycle is that more players have the chance to participate in a final tournament.

The South American associations are big supporters of the criticized Fifa president Gianni Infantino. Fittingly, the association leaders Infantino and Dominguez met in the final return match of the Copa Libertadores in Buenos Aires. The game had been postponed due to an attack on the Boca Juniors team bus on Sunday.