If he was satisfied with the point taken on the ground of FC Nantes, which is rare, the captain of Angers Sco regretted however the enthusiasm of Angevin on the corner bringing the equalizer Nantes.

What's more important after this draw: frustration, disappointment, pride in taking a point here?

We are not going to lie, we are all disappointed to have taken a goal in this way. But as I said to my teammates after the game, we must remain lucid: in the second period, Nantes pushed and had many opportunities. In recent years, we have always lost here, and even at home. So there is better and you have to remember it.

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How did you experience this equalization?

In fact, I do not pay attention to time at all. It's Thomas (Mangani) who alert me to tell me that the match is over soon. Basically, it's a corner that we have to play together. Finally, Angelo (Fulgini) hits it. But that's not why we take the goal. We must cut this action, simply because we suffered all along, so we probably should have made a mistake to stop them.

It is a sin of pride on your part this action, an excess of confidence to have taken so many risks at that time?

No, I do not think that's it. The set pieces are part of our strength, so, unconsciously, we did not ask any questions, that's our area. When you have a kick stopped, we go all the way, without asking questions. We may have been caught in our own game.

Yet, over 88 minutes, there is a big mastery on your part, we felt an Angevin team very sure of her ...

We worked very well during the last two weeks, we dueled and we saw that when we were in solidarity, we took few goals. That's what we tried to do. We have suffered but we have always worked together without complaining and this has happened. Unfortunately, on a counter, we cash this goal ... We are in the right, I think, and as long as we have this state of mind, we will continue to take points.

The defense at five was new to you. How did it happen ?

In the first period, I took a lot of fun (smiles), I touched a lot of balloons, I managed to climb several times. In contrast, in the second period, I suffered more. I felt like I was between three players and it was not easy to manage.

With Romain Thomas and Mateo Pavlovic, your two partners in the hinge, you have very well contained Emiliano Sala ...

In the first half, he was between Mateo and me so I had to mark him from time to time. Afterwards, he was very much out of my side, so I had to handle him, the climbs of Moutoussamy and Limbombé, that was a lot (laughs). It was not obvious in the placement, these are benchmarks to take, it will come. We will work for that.