Al Ain has officially announced the signing of midfielder Tungo Hamed Dombia for two seasons after the completion of his registration in the FIFA Club World Cup UAE 2018 and will be wearing the number 3 shirt.

Al Ghanim Al Hajeri, Chairman of Al Ain Football Club, said in a statement: "We have successfully completed the contract with Dumbia directly, but Rubin's file is still open." "The team got approval from the Portuguese agent only eight hours before the registration was closed. The most recent developments related to Robin's file lie in the waiting for the FIFA response, which was addressed by our local federation and the Players' Status Committee regarding allowing the club to register the player outside. Permitted dates in accordance with the regulations in force, which excludes the free player during a specified period ».

"All the papers prove Al Ain's contract with Rubin as a free player during the period allowed by the rules of the local football federation. The player has a court ruling from the Sporting Court in Portugal and is accredited by the Football Association of his country as a free player and has the right to contract any club. He added: "Robin was registered in the preliminary list participating in the Club World Cup and the legal team in our union in coordination with the legal team of the club in this regard, and all the indicators are on the right track».