British referee David McNamara has been suspended for three weeks because two players asked for a piece of stone instead of a draw before a women's football match because he forgot to bring the coin.

The move came just before Manchester City's 6-0 home match against Reading on October 26, with Steve Hutton (Citi) and Christie Pierce.

A coin is used before any draw to be played and the winner chooses to take possession of the ball at the start of the game or half of his favorite pitch in the first half.

But McNamara forgot the coin in his room at the stadium, and the BBC said he had asked for a "stone-scissors" game to determine the winning player.

"The FA can confirm that referee David McNamara has been suspended for 21 days and the sentence will begin on Nov. 26 after he agreed to accept the charge of 'not acting in a way that suits the interest of the game,'" a spokesman for the FA said.

"This happened because of a match between Manchester City and Reading on Friday (October 26th)," he said. "We can not determine which team will take possession of the ball through a draw in a coin, as the rules of the game stipulate."