“They gave the opponent three points”

After a rich derby at the events in the capital, journalists waited with interest for a press conference with the participation of the team’s head coaches. The first was answered by the trainer mentor Yury Semin.

“A very interesting game for fans. This was evident from their reaction. However, the result is not satisfied. They just took and gave the opponent three points, ”the coach said.

The specialist also explained why Fedor Smolov set off for the penalty shootout in the second half.

“Smolov took responsibility for himself. Probably, Miranchuk did not dare. It is good that Fedor takes the initiative. In my opinion, it’s worse that he didn’t score in the first half, ”noted Semin.

After the game, Lokomotiv footballers were also laconic. In the mixed zone, only defender Brian Idova talked to journalists, who spent the entire match on the bench.

“The scandals around the opponent do not concern us. Set a goal to play a good combinational football. And what is happening in "Spartacus" does not interest us. As you can see, the red and white won, the scandals did not affect the score. Although, when one ball was played, there was a feeling that we could be saved. I don’t know how on the field, but on the bench we said that there are chances, ”noted Idova.

"We play only 20% of what I want to see"

Spartak mentor Oleg Kononov, unlike his colleague, provided a detailed analysis of the meeting, spoke about the nature of the injuries of the wards and told where the tradition came from after playing the whole team to have dinner at the stadium.

- It was a real derby in which no one wanted to give in. The content of the game, perhaps, leaves much to be desired, but it is an important victory. It was necessary to endure, to give all our strength and to win, which was more important than the territorial and gaming advantage.

- What happened to Fernando?

- He has a relapse of the old injury. Could continue the game, but we decided to replace it. I hope Fernando will recover soon.

- How serious was Artem Rebrov’s head injury?

- There was a very strong blow. Artyom has serious abrasions on his head, he may have to stitches. There was a lot of blood in the dressing room. But he is good, I think you can call him a hero.

- What can you say about the work of the judicial brigade?

- I would like to talk about the game, not about judging.

- At that moment, when Rebrov was injured, Spartak already used all the substitutions. Who would stand at the gate if Artyom could not continue the game?

- I thought about it. Denis Glushakov would take his place.

- In Spartak, a number of football players are experiencing health problems. Do you understand why such a large number of injuries occurred at the end of the year?

- The season is hard. Many football players play for national teams. The guys have a very busy schedule, and the ending was especially difficult. Players understand that they need to give all their strength, sacrifice themselves. From here injuries, both new, and recurrences old.

- How did you personally congratulate Glushakov with the ball scored?

- We made a team photo, we didn’t take pictures with Denis separately. He expressed gratitude to all the players. As for Glushakov, it was an important match for him, because he had previously played for Lokomotiv.

- What did you do with Sophian Hanni? With your arrival, he added markedly.

- Nothing. He does everything himself. Hanni fits the selected position on the field and our football. This is what affected. By the way, he understood that he had unsuccessfully played with Rapid, which clearly added to his motivation. I would like Sofyan a little more stability. I told him about it.

- You do not find similar goals, missed by “Spartak” in matches with “Rapid” and “Locomotive”?

- We had little time to practice these systematic errors. It’s one thing to say, another thing to disassemble what is happening for training. Only work on the field will help here. In general, I want us to act higher. I will say more: the team now shows only 20% of what I want to see in the end.

- After the match with Rapid, the whole team remained at the stadium for dinner. Is this a new tradition?

- This is due to recovery. After the "Rapid" conducted training here. Then the guys definitely need to eat. We also call wives, children and girls, because we are one team. We do this in order not to drag the players to the base, but to give them the opportunity to spend time with their families. In Europe, this practice is common.

- Why from three approximately equal goalkeepers decided to bet on Rebrov?

- Alexander Selikhov has not yet gained form. He was too complicated injury, you need to be careful. As for the choice between Alexander Maksimenko and Rebrov, I relied on the experience of Artyom, given the difficult situation in which the team is located. Maksimenko is very talented, sometimes in training he amazes me with his saves.

"Rebrov - a man with a capital letter"

Artyom Timofeev after a joint dinner with the team, about which Kononov spoke, came out to the press in high spirits and shared his emotions from the match. Substitute midfielder told about the support of partners Glushakov and said he was thinking about the fans who turned away from the team.

- After Rebrov's injury, Spartak had no substitutions left. Very nervous?

- Not really. Artyom - a man with a capital letter, he is a fighter, a hero. I did not worry, because I knew that he would get up and continue the game.

- What is the condition of Rebrov now?

- In good, though, he has a cut and his face is a little swollen. But in general, the normal state.

- If Artem could not continue the game, who would stand at the gate?

- I think, Glushakov. But seriously, they would decide on the situation. I want to repeat again, Artyom well done.

- How can you evaluate the episode with a penalty kick in the gate "Spartacus"?

- I think there was no hand. I stood a meter away and saw that the ball hit the face, but the judge decided otherwise.

- In general, the game "Spartacus" was a success?

- I think yes. It is clear that the removal affected, in the minority play harder. Managed to win at the expense of character and willpower. All the guys wanted to win and stood to the end.

- Glushakov managed to score today, but in spite of this, some of the fans continued to boo him.

- I have not heard anything, so it is difficult to comment on something. We in the locker room congratulated him and everything.

- As Denis himself is experiencing a conflict with the fans?

- We all support each other, there is no tension in the dressing room. Everyone stands for each other a mountain, and Denis feels good.

- Fan, who ran out on the field today, did not prevent the team?

- No, I did not interfere, as in the game with Rapid. But then everything turned out differently. Today, what happened even cheered us up.

- Fedun after the match went to the locker room?

- Yes. I just congratulated everyone on the victory, but there was no talk about bonuses.

- What do you expect from the first quarter-final match of the Cup of Russia with the “Ural”?

- Configured to win. We will fight to please the fans and ourselves. Still, we want to win this trophy.

- How to play in frosty weather?

- Harder than summer. But everyone has the same conditions, the weather is the same for everyone. Therefore, referring to it does not see the point.

- Tense relationship with the fans somehow affect the team?

- Whatever shouts from the stands to us, no matter how we are treated, we try to play and give all the best we can. I hope that the team will be able to return the location of the fans. Today Spartak was well supported.

- paid attention to the whistle from the stands?

- There are moments in the game when you are focused and you simply do not pay attention to either whistling or applause.

- What can you say to fans who boo Glushakov?

- This is their decision, we support Denis. And they whistle or not whistle - their business.

- Where are the T-shirts that the team wore during the rally in support of Glushakov?

- Someone left himself, someone gave Denis. I belong to the latter category.

- Did Lokomotiv surprise you today?

- Lokomotiv is a good team. They demonstrate a pretty game, we waited for the railway workers to look decent in the match with us.

- At what point did you realize that victory is in your pocket?

- Only after the final whistle.

- Did Smolov's blunders help win?

- Each football player has successful and not very successful matches. In any case, today Fortune was on our side.

- Smolov went to shoot a penalty after an incredible slip in the first half. Would you do the same in his place?

- I would not go to the penalty spot, but only because I never execute a penalty.