The countries of the world compete to attract sports tourists, and provide the requirements of safe and close to him, prompting Arab countries to break into the race by organizing major sporting events, investment facilities, infrastructure similar to some stadiums, fields and international courts, while others are still looking for a roadmap to attract Sports tourist.

The Arabs seek to turn the tourist's tourist destination from west to east by resorting to innovative and flexible ideas that increase international visits to the public, from the inclusion of sports tourism in the structure of public bodies of the Arab youth and sports ministries, , The theme of racing, equestrian fields, green golf and beach games, investing in the popularity of athletes and football stars, engaging them in tourism promotion plans, inviting international sports celebrities, and urging them to CAR Arab countries, and entice them to buy properties in them. Athletes and sports promotion experts told Emirates Al-Youm that the tourist needs facilities and promotions that facilitate his visit to the Arab countries for sports purposes. He is presented with visitors' visas with tournament tickets, demanding marketing and advertising plans to attract attention to entertainment and adventure activities. To promote the value of Arab sports tourism, as follows:

Bandoni: Sports tourism will not progress without major events .. And Dubai model

FIFA World Cup football executive Tomaso Bandone has stressed that Arab sports tourism will not go ahead without the thought of hosting major events and events.
"It is very important for countries that want to develop their sports tourism to be able to host major events and events, without focusing solely on football, but on other sports such as Formula, Basket, Tennis, and others," Bandoni told Emirates Today. Games that have fans and interested in all countries of the world, and go to where it was established ».

He added: «Hosting alone will not be enough to develop Arab tourism, but there must be marketing and publicity plans that attract the attention of international federations and organizers of conferences and platforms to ensure the ability of countries organizing sports events to organize such events with a high degree of quality and efficiency, Part of the mission to attract and attract the attention of tourists ».

"We have a unique model in the Arab region that is embodied in the city of Dubai, which has worked on these molecules, and has become a venue for hosting world championships and international conferences, first and foremost the Dubai Professional Conference, Foot.

"In 2015, the Barcelona star, Lonele Messi, was a guest of the Dubai Professional Conference. Dubai remained stuck in his mind for three years until he came to it a month ago on a family visit to enjoy. This confirms that sport plays an active role in supporting tourism through Such attitudes. "

"Now Saudi Arabia is starting to follow Dubai's own approach, and is heading to organizing international sporting events and events, and this will have a direct impact on the future of countries," concluded Tommaso Bandoni.

Tommaso Bandoni: "Saudi Arabia has started to follow the same approach to Dubai, and has tended to organize world championships and sporting events."

Amr Sidqi: The Red Sea is "not exploited" mathematically

In turn, the chairman of the Committee on Tourism and Aviation in the Egyptian House of Representatives, Dr. Amr Sidqi, said that the Arab countries have many tourist attractions that are not properly exploited in sports tourism.

"For example, the Red Sea is a treasure trove of marine sports in Egypt, where there can be a huge boom in international competitions for fishing, diving, skiing, fins and long-distance swimming. The Red Sea in the construction of speed racing circuits, such as (Formula 1), which attracts large segments of the masses, and fans of racing cars, and has a huge impact on tourism in general, and sports in particular ».

Cannon: Sports tourism is the main concern of Sharjah

Sharjah Sports and Tourism Development Authority Chairman Khaled Jassem Al Madfa said that organizing more than one championship in the Sharjah World Championships, which is the world championship of the Formula 1 and the World Championship of Water Sports, , Which is considered the most important focus of the Emirate of Sharjah in the quest to strengthen the emirate's leading position and a distinct tourist destination on the map of tourism, local and regional and international, in line with the vision of Sharjah Tourism 2021, which aims to attract 10 million tourists by 2021 ».

The Sharjah International Championships Week, which is currently held in Sharjah, will feature 10 Formula 1 motorcyclists, as well as 60 motorcyclists from 32 countries, and show their strength and skills at the end of the world championships.

"We are confident that these championships will add a new and distinctive strategic dimension, especially as this is the first time that more than one world championship has been combined with the aim of attracting a number of water sports enthusiasts around the world, especially young people who are challenging and competitive."

Khalid Jassim Al Madfaa: "Sports tourism is in line with Sharjah's vision to attract 10 million tourists by 2021."

Katila: "Beach Polo" revenues in Dubai are AED 20 million per year

The founder of the Polo Beach Championship in Dubai, Sam Catella, confirmed that Polo beach is a successful model in supporting sports tourism in Dubai, especially as it generates a huge financial revenue of 20 million dirhams annually.
"In 2004, we launched from Dubai the Polo Beach Championship, the first tournament in the world of this kind, and one year later the American state of Miami used the idea and applied it to 38 countries that practice beach polo around the world," he told Emirates Today. The idea adopted by Dubai, contributed to the promotion of tourism to all these countries in a manner that has achieved good financial returns ».

"The beach polo is one of the sport of the rich, and when they come to watch the tournament in Dubai or any other city, their spending is different from ordinary sports tourists in any other activity. So many investors around the world, Of the funds to sponsor this event after it is now a global brand ».

"For example, the Polo Beach Championship in Dubai has attracted a major Chinese company to sponsor it for three years, which confirms that the commercial returns of this sport are increasing, and there are many beneficiaries of this sport, including sports tourism."

The founder of the Polo Beach Championship in Dubai, stressed that Arab sports tourism is fertile ground for good investment, if exploited optimally. The geographical location of Arab countries, especially in the Gulf region, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco, makes the arrival of tourists from all countries of the world easy, Therefore, any professional sports activity will be a great success, perhaps, unlike other countries that do not enjoy the same advantages as the Arab countries.

"The biggest obstacle to the development of sports tourism is the failure of governments to give young people a full opportunity to work in this area," he said.

Sam Katila: "The amount of spending by beach polo enthusiasts is different from normal sports tourists in any other activity."

550 hotel rooms reserved in Abu Dhabi for World Cup clubs

The most prominent of these is the booking of 13 hotels in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain to cover the needs of participating teams and more than 550 rooms have been booked, as well as the expectations of about 153 thousand fans to follow the matches, according to the Committee Organization of the event.

The figures reflect the size of the financial benefits that sport tourism will bring to the tournament in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain.

Recommendations that enhance the value of Arab sports tourism .. and attract international visitor

1. The inclusion of sports tourism in the structure of ministries of youth and sports.

2. Hosting major international events and including them in plans to support archaeological sites and tourist attractions.

3. Facilitating the granting of visas and providing them to visitors with tournament tickets.

4. Marketing sports product at international tourist exhibitions annually.

5. Establishing integrated sports cities with international standards that attract clubs and teams.

6. Organizing conferences and festivals that include sports celebrities such as the Dubai Professional Conference.

7. Provide electronic facilities to ensure the visitor to book flights, hotel and tickets matches on one page.

8. Pay attention to adventure and entertainment, which are valuable to international visitors.

9. Set up racetracks, equestrian fields, green golf courses and beach games.

10. Invest popular football stars and involve them in tourism advertising plans.

11. Inviting invitations to international sports celebrities and tempting them to buy real estate.

12. Partnership between the public and private sectors, to improve the type of service provided to the sports visitor.

13. Gain the confidence of the World Tourism Organization, international associations and European periodicals.
14. Host public matches and international derbies, such as Super Cups and World Club Championship.

15. Encouraging internal tourism by organizing community events such as running and fitness.

16. Provide an annual activity guide on a website in different languages ​​of the world.

17. Opening the door to investment opportunities and the flexibility of laws and legislation.

18. See excellent Asian and European models, such as Dubai, Singapore, Spain, France and America.

19. Measuring the economic impact of sports tourism in most Arab countries.

20. Provide greater opportunities for young people and involve them in sports projects.

• Formula 1, equestrian and golf courses that are the most attractive to the international visitor.

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