“Tomorrow morning there will be an operation”

A terrible accident was overshadowed by the main race of the Macau Grand Prix in the framework of the "Formula 3". The main victim was the 17-year-old pilot of the HWA team Sophia Florsh. On one of the corners after the departure of the safety car, the German car crashed into a car of another pilot Sho Tsibui at a speed of 276 km / h, and then flew over the fence and crashed near the referee's post.

Not only Flörs was injured, but several other people, including the operator and race marshal. According to eyewitnesses, the athlete's car looked like a flying rocket, and only by luck, there were no casualties.

Initially, the continuation of the race was in question. The organizers did not provide information on the status of the girls.

However, after some time the race cars returned to the track, and the Grand Prix ended in victory for the pilot of the Red Bull youth program Daniel Tiktum, who finished first for the second year in a row.

And soon the International Automobile Federation (FIA) issued a special press release, which described the condition of Flörs and other victims.

“A serious incident occurred on the fourth lap of the race with the participation of the car at number 25. At the time of the initial inspection, Flörs was conscious. She was subsequently sent to the hospital for a more thorough examination. Sho Tsuboi, two photographers and one marshal were also taken to the hospital to receive the necessary medical care, ”the report said on the federation page on Facebook.

According to media reports, the victims suffered fractures, abrasions, bruises and concussion.

A bit later, the disappointing diagnosis of Flörsch, a fracture of the spine, became known. The German team posted an official discharge from the hospital on Twitter. Motorsport fans anxiously awaited the news.

However, the situation turned out to be unreliable. It turned out that the fracture did not lead to paralysis and Sophia retained the mobility of the limbs. This was told by her father Alexander. The racer herself, having come to herself a little, addressed all fans on Twitter with words of gratitude.

“I just want to let everyone know that I'm fine. But I have an operation tomorrow morning. Thanks to the FIA, the HWA team, and Mercedes for their concern. Thanks for the support and messages. Updates will be coming soon, ”Flursch wrote.

I wouldn’t be able to go into surgeries. Thanks to the @fia and @ hwaag_official @ MercedesAMGF1 who are taking great care of me.
Thanks to everybody for the Supporting messages.
Update soon.

- Sophia Floersch (@SophiaFloersch) November 18, 2018

And in the team, the Germans thanked the higher forces for the fact that the girl was still alive.

“We need to thank the angels for staying with us. The accident showed how strong race cars. It’s fantastic, ”Die Welt, director of the HWA team Fritz van Amersfoort, quotes.

Later in the official Twitter of the team there was another appeal regarding the incident.

“Today was a very difficult day for our team. The whole world saw what happened, and we can only thank God that Sophia has avoided serious injuries. We are also constantly thinking about other people affected by the accident and wish them a speedy recovery, ”says the message.

Schumacher in a skirt

Meanwhile, Flörsch is considered one of the most talented female pilots in the world. It will celebrate its 18th anniversary on December 1st.

Ability to auto racing girl began to demonstrate in childhood. At the age of six, Sofia began to seriously go in for karting, and at nine she became the youngest debutant of the German championship in this form. A year later, the talented girl went to the European Championship, where she also broke several age records.

Next, Flörsch progressed step by step. At 15 she became the youngest winner of the British series Ginetta Junior, and then moved to Formula. In 2016, Sofia was the first of the girls to score points in Formula 4. The following year, the German woman rose to the podium twice.

And the current season, Flörsch, started already in Formula 3, where at first it turned out to be in reserve, but since July it began to regularly start at the start.

Not surprisingly, Sophia is being punished for his historic debut in Formula 1, and also compares it with the legendary compatriot Michael Schumacher. She herself admitted that many pilots find themselves in shock when a girl overtakes them on the track.

“Racing is a male sport, many believe that girls do not know how to drive a car. The debut of women in the "F-1" will benefit women, but she should perform well. If the debutant fails, they will again begin to say that women do not know how to operate the machine. And if she succeeds, it will attract immense attention to motor racing, and even more girls will want to build a career in racing, ”Flursch said.