"Massimo is able to hide emotions"

- The first rumors that Carrera could be fired appeared two weeks before resigning - before the players parted for the national teams. How did Massimo react to them?

- He did not share with me his thoughts on this matter. Yes, and was not required. But, according to my observations, his experiences were not different from those that were before. In any case, being close, I did not feel much of a difference in his behavior this fall and last, when the atmosphere was also tense after three defeats in a row in a derby (from Zenit, CSKA and Lokomotiv. - RT ) and several lost victories . Of course, unsatisfactory results did not leave him indifferent, but he is one of those people who know how to hide certain emotions.

- But then the team still played and Carrera did not shuffle the line-up, like a card deck, and the media did not criticize it so openly after the championship season?

- Yes, of course, now there was a little more tension, but these were working moments and emotions, as in any other team that doesn’t work. To say that he was nervous beyond measure, I can not.

“But you studied the press yourself and understood that the clouds are gathering?” Translated to him?

“I used to do selections and tell Massimo what they write and say, but lately he didn’t have to. He devoted more time to work, conversations with football players, and tactical analysis.

- That is, did you have the sensation of an impending catastrophe?

- No, neither in two weeks, nor in a week, nor in a few days. No one at the Italian told me anything, so there were no such thoughts.

- But after all, before the break for the national teams, Carrera had already declared at a press conference that he felt guilty for the fact that the results of the team had gone down ...

- What were his feelings at this moment, one can only guess. He could have in mind a particular match and a specific question, and not the situation as a whole. It is foolish to pull the phrase out of context and judge it about the situation in the team. I did not even single out this moment for myself, because I did not see anything supernatural in it.

“I don’t know if Glushakov received an invitation to dinner”

“When and how did Carrera find out that he was sacked?”

- We were in Tarasovka, in the workplace. Before the training, we were gathered and announced that the club would stop cooperating with Massimo.

- And with you too?

- Yes, the leadership immediately identified its position.

- Did it shock you?

- If we proceed from the fact that no rumors have reached me, then yes. In general, I understood perfectly well that sooner or later this tale would end. Apparently, just did not expect it to happen so quickly. But football is a kind of world in which today you are needed, and tomorrow you are forgiven.

- How did the players react to the news?

- We didn’t have much time for communication. A couple of words managed to spill over with some, no more. Only the next day during the dinner, which was organized by Massimo, they said goodbye normally, humanly. We sat very warmly, it was nice.

- Was the absence of Denis Glushakov surprised at the farewell meeting? Is it possible to say that the player and the coach were not able to step over their differences and offenses?

- To be honest, I don’t even know if Denis received an invitation or he decided not to come. In any case, I do not see any intrigue here. The dinner was attended by those who wanted to see Carrera. If there were any nuances, we will never know about them.

- The warmest moment of the meeting ...

- Everyone found what to say to Massimo. There were many smiles, words of gratitude. Especially from the young players with whom he opened the doors to big football.

- You were not surprised that the players warmly said goodbye to the former coach, but in the next match came out to fight for a new mentor?

- All the players are true professionals who will give all the best for Spartak, no matter what happens inside the club. Of course, their role is played by contracts that need to be worked out. You can not just go into the center circle and look at the sky. And they realize it. Therefore, they continue to fight for the rhombus, for their fans, for the coach, and such things as problems in the team, mood, family troubles with the starting whistle go into the background.

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Publication from Artem Fetisov (@ fetisov88sawa) 2 Nov. 2018 at 4:55 PDT

“Our paths will diverge, but he will not fly to the moon”

- How did events develop further?

“On Monday we packed up and left the base.”

- How did you personally say goodbye to Carrera?

- Officially, we have not yet said goodbye. They delayed the pleasure for a while.

- Will you be sad?

- I do not like to say goodbye at all. This is a job. It happened. Our paths will diverge, but he will not fly to the moon.

“Did you call up after that dinner?”

- Yes, we talked on the phone several times, were written off. Even crossed in GUM by chance at the end of last week. But this is a completely different story, not for printing.

- Does Carrera enjoy the appeared free time?

- You can say so. Only, probably, this is not quite a pleasure, rather, the opportunity to take a breath after two and a half years of intense work with constant hassle.

I am sure that Massimo’s head is still in Spartak and would like to continue working. He, too, will need time to digest what happened.

- Was it difficult to accept reality?

- Not easy for sure. Emotions overwhelmed. I lived in a certain rhythm, and suddenly in one second everything changed - there was no duty, no schedule, no understanding of what will happen tomorrow ... The first week was in complete prostration, to be honest. It seems to be doing something, but his head was in another place.

“Why were you not at his final press conference?”

- Many people asked this question both before and after. Apparently, I got used to the fact that I am nearby, but the organizers of the event invited another translator. Is it a shame to me? Not. But if asked to help, I would not refuse.

- According to its results, have you heard something new for yourself?

- No, it is already difficult to surprise me, considering our relationship. In the course of this season, I have often caught myself thinking that I know in advance what Massimo will answer. Moreover, the questions at press conferences are not original. I will never forget how he was “tortured” about a suit when he accepted the command.

"I did not notice that Massimo would lose contact with the team"

- You were surprised how the fans reacted to the dismissal of Massimo?

- No, absolutely. They thanked him for the positive emotions that they experienced.

- Famous journalists and insiders sharply criticized the club management for their decision ...

- Then they are the media. Although I do not always share the opinion of the press. Sometimes, with their submission, irreversible processes begin: dirt is poured on players, pressure is put on coaches. Yes, it is clear that the clubs with the name attract increased attention to themselves, but sometimes it is too much. That is why at some point I simply stopped reading the press.

- Many fans are sure that Riancho hooked Carrera?

- I will give you an example. After the dismissal, I watched one of the Spartak matches at the bar. And I heard there in two hours so many versions of what is happening in the team and the club, that my head just swelled from conspiracy theories. And this is just one bar in which 100 people gathered from the force. What is the point of proving or explaining to someone if people are confident that they are right and consider their arguments convincing. I have enough of what I saw from the inside.

- How do you personally feel about Riancho?

- I have always had a purely business relationship with him and his assistant Vicente Fernandez. This does not mean that we went with stone faces. By no means, they always greeted each other, joked on occasion, but I didn’t intersect with him personally as well as with Massimo.

“But was this relationship different from what you had with Giorgio D'urbano and Attila Malfatti?”

- Yes, but there was a link to the Italian language. We could drink coffee, discuss politics, some domestic issues.

- Is it true that most of the lessons with the team were held by Riancho, and not Carrera?

- Yes, but this is a common practice, as far as I can judge about the training process.

- You do not have the feeling that Massimo lost contact with the team?

- No, I did not notice such problems.

- However, some fans noted that the players were not laid out in full force. From the inside everything looked the same?

- Not. During training, everyone worked, no one left their classes, did not refuse to play. But high-quality training is not always the guarantee of a successful outcome. There are many random factors that cannot be considered.

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Today we have a hard fight! Forward

Posted by Artem Fetisov (@ fetisov88sawa) Aug 24, 2018 at 2:02 am PDT

"Carrera spoke with Riancho behind closed doors"

“Is Riancho to blame for what happened to Carrera?”

- I can not talk about purely football moments, because I am not a coach and no one has conducted educational programs on this subject. As well as assess the effectiveness of tactics, the justice of substitutions and the justification of high pressure, since I am not a professional in this matter.

- Analysts agree that the Spartak 4-3-3 scheme is not suitable due to the lack of flanking players with high individual skills ...

- I doubt that two coaches would play the wrong scheme for three months, realizing that it does not bring results. But this is my conjecture. When I translated to Roman Pilipchuk, I understood what was going on, with Riancho Carrera talked on his own, my help was not required.

- Rumors that the relationship was strained, true?

- In my opinion, no. If they had differences in football matters, then they occurred behind closed doors and I did not hear anything about it.

When Raoul descended from the podium to the curb, he helped Massimo, drew the players' attention to certain moments on that part of the field, which the Italian did not follow, shared his observations with him. I did not notice any contradictions or quarrels.

- Was it worth Carrere to work before the winter, or was the decision to dismiss it timely, taking into account the result?

- Hard to say. Most likely, the answer we get with time. Of course, I would like him to remain in the team for another 10 years, but the last word is always for the leadership.

- Did Carrere receive any offers from Russia?

- He did not share such information with me, but I myself was not interested. I'm glad if this happens. No - we will build a new life.

- And have any employers been interested in you over the past two weeks?

- Not yet. But, I hope, in the near future to find something. Not used to sitting around for a long time.

“Massimo was an example of a real man for me”

- In which direction would you like to move on?

- My dream is to stay in football. When I first came to Spartak, many people noted that I found a job for the soul. Yes, I myself felt it. Incredible emotions caused the opportunity to attend training sessions, to be on the brow during matches, to participate in the process. But alas, the Italian language is not so in demand in Russian football.

- Thanks to “Spartak” you became known ...

- I do not think that my popularity has somehow increased during my work at the club. A certain circle of people knows me: those who came across me often and who liked the emotions that I tried to convey.

- Fans wrote to you on social networks, having learned about the resignation of Massimo?

- 120-130 personal messages came, not counting the captions under the pictures on Instagram. They expressed regret, thanked for the work, wished good luck ... I am pleased, because I remember very well how at first they criticized me. And that construct helped me. Now the fans appreciated my commitment and contribution to the common cause.

- Do you have any complaints about Spartak?

- No, absolutely. Parted with me with dignity.

“What did working with Carrera give you?”

- It is very difficult to formulate it in words. As for the professional sphere, working in a club like Spartak gave me confidence. I learned to work on the camera, on a large audience. And Massimo was an example for me not only a great professional in his field, but also a man, a real man. I was lucky to work with him during this time.

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Publication from Artem Fetisov (@ fetisov88sawa) 30 Sep 2018 at 2:32 PDT

- Carrera - not one of those people who take the dirty linen out of the hut. Someday he will talk about what happened at the club?

- Never say never. It is quite possible that this will happen, but I cannot get into his head.

- If Leonid Fedun would invite you to his place and ask you to speak, what advice would you give him?

- I think if he had summoned me to his office, he would have started a conversation on the topic of interest to him. And so, who am I to give him advice.

- If you were asked to repeat everything and go back, would you agree without hesitation?

- Of course. It was a great trip. Personally, I have nothing to regret. Those emotions that I experienced, being inside, pay off everything with interest. Proximity to the man who won the first championship for the team after 16 years, no doubt, played a role too. At first it was a job for me, but over time it grew into a passion. It got to the fact that at the weekend there was not enough communication, colors and drive.