“We threw a clean washer. There was no skating movement. ”

The defeat of the US team was one of the most annoying for the Russian “youth team” in recent years. Valery Bragin's charges missed two goals, but in the second period they managed to play one of them, and then had a number of excellent opportunities to restore the status quo. However, this time luck did not smile at them. It is not surprising that Bragin, like his charges after the meeting, literally had no face.

“It happens in hockey, the Americans scored one more puck, although in dangerous moments Russia surpassed the opponent by half. They started a little better, but the second half of the match was completely left behind us. In the third period, the Americans simply played on hold. There are no complaints about the guys, they gave everything, they fought, but one goal was not enough, ”said Bragin on Match TV.

At the same time, the coach was extremely dissatisfied with the decision of the judges not to count Nikita Shashkov's puck in the first period, when the score was 0-0, allegedly due to playing with the foot of the Russian forward.

“We threw a clean washer, that is the question. Shashkov had no movement with his skate. But in such games it is very important who will score first. We assumed that there would not be many heads. As a result, we were in a situation where it was easier for the opponent to play. With the score 2: 1 completely seized the advantage, but could not throw the second puck. If we had thrown it, we would squeeze the Americans, ”added Bragin.

The specialist also spoke about the condition of the wards.

“They are experiencing. Like me, they feel that everything was near. Now the main task is to calm them down and prepare them for tomorrow's game. What did Klim Kostin say on the bench after the final siren? Let it stay between us. Let's see the second semi-final, it is important to properly prepare and decide on the plan for the game, ”concluded Bragin.

A counterpart of the Russian coach Mike Hastings, on the contrary, stressed that the judges rightly did not count Shashkov's puck.

“It was the right decision. My assistants, who were in the stands, said that they saw quite a clear movement of the foot. At least, I convey their words, ”the specialist said.

At the same time, he acknowledged that his wards had a hard time in the match with Russia.

“Goalkeeper Kayden Primo gave us peace of mind when it was needed. In matches with such a good team like Russia, you cannot make sure that your goal does not have moments. The rival will somehow get his chances, and you need a reliable line of defense, so that others can catch their breath. Just look at what started in the third period. We had to stop a lot of opponent attacks. In this situation, the goalkeeper should be your main weapon. Primo with these weapons and became “, - added Hastings.

"Russia replayed the USA"

Russian hockey players after the match were extremely devastated, and their tears did not leave indifferent even neutral fans. Vitaly Kravtsov was most upset, because he didn’t realize a few dangerous moments. In this case, the attacker came out on the ice with a hand injury.

“There is nothing to say, we are completely devastated. Tomorrow we are waiting for the last match. We will do our best for one hundred percent and fight for Russia. Today we just didn’t have enough luck. In some moments I could score and compare the bill. All the guys are great, but today the hockey god was not on our side. It means that it is above written that we will not be able to win in this tournament. We will give all the best in the match for bronze medals, ”said Kravtsov.

Nikolai Kovalenko, a striker, also supported the partner, who also noted that luck did not smile at the Russian team.

“The coaches said it was life. Such is hockey ... He sometimes presents gifts to opponents when luck is completely on their side. In sports, this happens. We fought to the end with all our might. I want to thank the whole team. It now remains only to prepare for the next match, in which you need to win bronze awards. Thanks to the Russian fans for their support. First missed puck? I don’t think she’s somehow affected. We just did our job. Someone got the game, someone did not, but we were one team. Luck smiled at the opponent, it happens, ”said Kovalenko.

Similar thoughts were expressed by the defender Alexander Romanov.

“There are no emotions as such, only insult. Nothing else. We played better, but luck was on the side of the US team. The coaches tried to cheer us up so that we would not get upset and prepare for the battle for the bronze. We will not watch the second semi-final, we will go to rest, ”Romanov noted.

And hockey player Vasily Podkolzin also complained about his own mistakes.

“The Russian national team just missed unnecessary pucks. Somewhere, of course, we were unlucky, we didn’t realize a few 100% moments. Now it’s hard to say something, complete devastation in your soul, you need to recover. Of course, there was no undermining, we played with the Americans. Rather, a reconfiguration took place. We strictly acted in defense, tried to create moments in the attack. Present and sporting aggression. That was the coaching setup, ”said the attacker.

At the same time, Podkolzin failed to explain why he and his partners had failed to send a second puck to the opponents goal.

“They missed moment by moment, and it was a little under pressure. Time is running out, and we do not realize our chances. This is life and hockey, then everything happens. I also had the opportunity to excel, but did not. Less than a day before the next game, you need to take the bronze. Oleg Znarok went to the locker room and said that by dedication no questions to anyone. Now in the morning you need to wake up with a different mood and be sure to win, ”added Podkolzin.

Finally, the attacker Cyril Blind called the final result illogical.

“A good match, we didn’t have enough just a bit before the victory. There were a lot of moments, Russia outplayed Americans. Somewhere just did not have enough luck. We did not give up, fought to the end. It is a pity that we with Artem Galimov let down, because it was in our minority that the opponent threw the second puck. Usually they created moments themselves, and then they missed. Understand that you need to leave all the forces on the court to put the game back on track. We will forget this defeat, tomorrow we will gather our thoughts and fight for medals. For us, now bronze will be worth its weight in gold, ”said the hockey player.

"In the third period, we were scared"

And the American hockey players were in excellent spirits, because for the second time in the last three years they managed to get into the final of the MFM. One of the best in the US team was goalkeeper Primo, who made some amazing saves. He commented and canceled Shashkov puck.

“I really did not know whether her judges would count or not, so I simply tried to prepare for the next attack. We were lucky, the puck was canceled, and this event served as an important starting point. In such situations, I try not to think too much, because it spoils the mood. Just waiting for the referee to say. Today they made that decision, ”quotes Primo Sport24.

At the same time, the Russian team continued the unsuccessful series in matches with the Americans at the MFM. Domestic "junior" lost the opponent for the fourth match in a row in the tournament.

“I think it’s not so important with whom we play, we just want to win. And when you compete with the best teams, good players loudly declare themselves in their roster. The Russian national team is a great team with excellent hockey players in the line-up, ”Primo said.

The goalkeeper also acknowledged that the US team in this match had to be difficult and told who would like to play in the final.

“We knew that in the third period the Russians would try to put pressure, so we simply tried to stop them outside our zone, block the blows. As a result, the guys managed to make it so that the throws of the rivals did not carry any danger. No matter who we play in the final. We know that this will be in any case a strong contender, because this is a game for gold medals. The most important thing for us is just to control emotions, not to rejoice ahead of time. It was through the right attitude that we succeeded, ”Primo summed up.

And striker Ryan Peeling, the top scorer of the US team, admitted that in the third period the Americans were scared.

“It was a tough game. The Russians did not allow us to create many moments. He even had to act on defense. In the third period we were a little scared, but we won in the end. In the last few matches showed character, but still have not shown our best hockey. It will be necessary to do this in the next game to win gold, ”the striker summed up the meeting.

Peeling also touched the puck that was not counted in the first period.

“I just threw the guy for whom I had to watch. So I should thank God for not including the goal. I think after this moment we felt more confident. But Shashkov after all really kicked the puck. Yes, we were lucky, but we acted correctly at that moment, ”added Peeling.