Parcel delivery and parcel transportation for companies Kyushu 12:43 July 13 continued heavy rains in Gifu and Nagano

This heavy rain has affected the delivery of parcels and goods for companies in Kyushu, Gifu and Nagano prefectures.


Yamato Transport has stopped storing luggage addressed to the following locations.
In Kumamoto Prefecture
▽Many areas of Hitoyoshi City
▽Kuma Village
▽Part of
Taraki Town Part of Mizukami Village
Part of Yamae Village
▽Many areas of Ashikita Town
▽Tsunagi Town
▽Part of Yatsushiro City
Oita Prefecture has stopped storing luggage for parts of Hita City.

Sagawa Express also stops delivery at the following locations.
It is
a part of ▽Yatsushiro city in Kumamoto prefecture
▽Kuma village
▽Ashikita town
▽Tsunagi town.

On the other hand, in the transportation of luggage for companies, Nippon Express is part of Kumamoto Prefecture, and we have stopped the transportation service that carries the luggage of multiple companies by one truck.

In addition, JR Freight has canceled the operation of freight trains between Tosu Freight Terminal Station and Kagoshima Freight Terminal Station in Saga Prefecture, and it is expected that luggage transportation will be delayed.

Gifu prefecture, Nagano prefecture

Yamato Transport has stopped storing luggage addressed to the following locations.
In Gifu Prefecture
▽Part of Takayama City
Part of Gero City In
Nagano Prefecture it is part of Matsumoto City.

Sagawa Express has stopped delivery in some parts of Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture.

On the other hand, when it comes to transporting luggage for businesses, Nippon Express has stopped the transportation service that carries luggage from multiple businesses in one truck in parts of Nagano and Gifu prefectures.

Companies are calling to check the latest information on their websites.