Heavy rain damage at 340 locations in the JR Kyushu area. It takes time to restore at 3:32 on July 14th.

JR Kyushu made clear that the record heavy rains had caused damage such as iron bridges being washed away at 340 locations in all of Kyushu, and "it will take a considerable amount of time to restore." I showed the prospect.

According to JR Kyushu, the record heavy rain washed away the railway bridges on the Kyudai Main Line and Hisatsu Line, and the damage that could be confirmed by the 13th was found at 345 locations on 17 routes across Kyushu. I am.

Satoshi Maekawa, Deputy General Manager of the JR Kyushu Railway Business Headquarters, said in a press conference that the Kyudai Main Line and Hisatsu Line have not been able to conduct a detailed survey. We apologize for the inconvenience to our customers. Damage to bridges and other areas has occurred on multiple routes, and it is expected that restoration will take a considerable amount of time."

After that, he said, "I would like to make a decision while consulting with related organizations and local governments" regarding the restoration method, and indicated a policy of exchanging opinions with local governments.