Torrential rain damage Photograph of damage to housing and disaster proof procedure Hitokichi Kumamoto July 7 12:36

Hitoyoshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture, calls for recording the damage condition of the house as a photo, as it is necessary when issuing the disaster certificate. Once the city is ready, the city wants to begin the process of issuing a disaster certificate.

In Hitoyoshi City, a wide area along the Kuma River has been flooded, and many houses have been flooded to the floor, causing serious damage.

Many people who have been affected by the disaster have begun to clean up, but Hitoyoshi City says that in order to receive public support, it is necessary to issue photos of the disaster to obtain a disaster certificate.

For this reason, I would like you to leave as much photos as possible of the disaster situation and submit it when you issue the disaster certificate. Specifically, I would like you to take as many photographs as possible from the four sides of the building and what you can see up to where the water has come.

Although the issue start date is undecided, Hitoyoshi City wants to start as soon as possible as soon as it is ready.

On the other hand, in the city, people who have had their health insurance card swept away due to flooding can now go to a medical institution without the health insurance card.