Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.


After the Kauder deselection: Is Angela Merkel now shaking?

The foundation of power that Angela Merkel has been carrying for 13 years and that remained stable despite many crises is crumbling.

On Tuesday, in the election to the EU Parliamentary Presidency, the Chancellor was deprived of the "stable foundation". So she herself called her confidant Volker Kauder, for which she campaigned shortly before the vote with the deputies. Their answer was clear: They voted for the outsider Ralph Brinkhaus - and thus against Merkel.

Can the Chancellor master this crisis, too? What does she do with it?

"Your power base is getting thinner," says political scientist Frank Decker in an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE. "After wanting to get rid of many Merkel in the CSU today rather than tomorrow, they lose even in their own party increasingly the backing."

To ask the question of confidence, as demanded by FDP leader Christian Lindner, rejected Merkel. "A very clear no," her spokesman answered a question. What a vote of confidence would mean constitutionally, you can read here.

And what is the SPD doing? Is she shaking her at the Chancellor's foundation? Or does she support Merkel, does she even see her last ally in the Chancellor?

Initial malice among the comrades quickly turned into fear: Because, as analyzed by our colleagues David Böcking and Christian Teevs, a weak chancellor is also a problem for the SPD. The party must be successful in order to get out of the survey. And it also needs: a strong Merkel.



So many people have died in South Sudan from acts of war or the consequences of war since the civil war broke out five years ago. This resulted in a study commissioned by the US government. Arnauld Akodjènou coordinates the work of the UN refugee agency on the spot. In an interview he tells us what makes the situation so dangerous for the people.


Salva Kiir, formerly a warlord, president of South Sudan since independence in 2011

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What you need to know today

  • Zetsche stops: The driver of the Daimler corporate empire is closing in May 2019. What does that mean for the German global player in times of stinking diesel, e-car revolution and autonomous driving, analyzes our SPIEGEL colleague Simon Hage .
  • The Hesse vote: 23 parties want to move into the Wiesbaden Landtag on 28 October. Which are you closest to? The Wahl-O-Mat knows it.
  • The Hamburg police have filed a complaint against Jan Ulrich. The ex-cyclist is said to have attacked a man. It is already the third investigation against Ullrich within a few weeks.
  • Bill Cosby has to go to jail. The US comedy star must be jailed for sexual assault - as the first celebrity in the # MeToo era.


Most talked about comments, interviews, essays

13 years of net politics under Merkel: Columnist Sascha Lobo turns out the Chancellor in the matter of digital : No conclusion, a Zwischenzeugnis outlines: The digital era Merkel was a time of the omission, the prevention and the failure.


Ralph is enough: Harald Schmidt sees in the democratic coup against Volker Kauder no danger to Merkel. Also Ralph "Ralle" Brinkhaus, financial expert with a smile of seconds, will always be at the service of the Chancellor. Schade finds Schmidt all this only for Baden-Württemberg. The video.


The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

Everything just cuddling with the organic cow? What EU bioseals state and where the limits are explained by experts in this exciting interview.


Drinking cows in Switzerland

Almost a million refugees have come to Germany from Iraq and Syria in recent years. Despite the right-wing populist scare tactics, many have integrated themselves almost silently. Get to know the Rashid family from Hamburg, whose son used to be called Mohammed, but is now called Lukas.


The recommendation for your closing time


Markus Söder, Ludwig Hartmann

Söder has a hard time in this TV duel : The CSU's poll numbers are weak, those of the Greens stronger than ever. In the evening, Bavaria's prime minister meets the Green Party candidate Ludwig Hartmann. He has ammunition: the unpopular police law, Söder's rigid immigration policy, the conquest of Bavarian landscapes. Does he lure the self-satisfied boss Bayern out of the comfort zone? Here it goes from 20.15 clock to the stream of the BR.

Whatever you might be looking for: "Kruso", the peculiar ARD film version of the peculiar bestseller by Lutz Seiler, tells of the last days of the GDR on the island of Hiddensee.

We wish you a nice evening.


Maria Stöhr and Christoph Titz from the Daily Team

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