Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.


The dispute over the migration pact

Rarely has a topic of the United Nations in recent times caused so much excitement: In Belgium, the government broke in the dispute over the UN migration pact, in Germany, especially the AfD tried to instrumentalize the debate for its own purposes. Despite opposition, 150 countries in Morocco have accepted the agreement.

Chancellor Angela Merkel traveled demonstratively to the UN conference in Marrakech. She wanted to make it clear: her approach is multilateral, only migration can be managed internationally. Your trip, as my colleague René Pfister writes, is a double pointer: On the one hand in the direction of populists and right-wing trolls, who made the deal against the agreement on the Internet. And in the direction of the countries in Europe, which suddenly failed their support. Like Austria.


Angela Merkel with the Moroccan head of government Saad Eddine El Othmani.

The list of states opposed to the UN migration pact is long. Besides Austria, the USA, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Bulgaria are among them. Your reason: The paper could encourage illegal immigration and would threaten the national sovereignty of the countries.

In fact, the pact by no means restricts the states in their national powers: the letter expresses the will of the signatory states to respect human rights and to combat traffickers and causes of flight. My colleague Nicola Abé wrote down why the criticism of these countries is above all fearfulness and a distortion of reality.

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What you need to know today


  • Strike on the train: Too late in the office - these are the consequences .
  • Lobby cliques in politics: Why the CDU tobacco advertising is more important than protection of minors.
  • Murder in Istanbul: CNN reports on Jamal Khashoggi's last words.
  • Theresa May before the Brexit vote: Pleiten in the British House of Commons, party friends who do not want to hear. The chances for the Prime Minister's deal are dwindling. What now?
  • SPON poll: Green voters are more convinced by Kramp-Karrenbauer than Union voters.
  • British Commons: May postpones Brexit vote.


Most talked about comments, interviews, essays

The final end of the Union: With the election of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the CDU has irrevocably arrived in the present, writes my colleague Stefan Kuzmany. And that, even though she may even be more conservative than her beaten competitors.


The SPD lives: All talk only about the CDU. The Social Democrats are just starting to fly high, says Harald Schmidt. Click here for his video.

The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

The life drama of Boris Becker: Ever since he became the first German to win the Wimbledon tournament at the age of 17, Becker, now 51, lives in the consciousness of his own greatness. My colleague Marc Hujer has gone into the world of the former tennis hero.

Armin Smailovic / THE MIRROR

Boris Becker at Wimbledon

Teacher in luxury : For years she falsified medicine recipes to indulge in bags, jewelry and clothing worth at least 900,000 euros. How did the teacher keep the fraud a secret for so long?



So many users followed Australian bodybuilder kangaroo Roger on Instagram. Probably the strongest marsupial in the world was a good two meters tall and 90 kilos heavy. Now it has died at the age of twelve, as the zoo in Australia announced. Roger had become internationally known for his boxing skills and enormous muscle mountains in social networks such as Instagram and Facebook.



The recommendations for your closing time

What You Can Do: Thinking About Christmas Gifts. The choice is huge: there are the big and expensive wishes - and there are great books. My colleague Agnes Sonntag has put together nine reading tips for children and adolescents.

Davide Morosinotto: "Lost in ice and snow"

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Max Holscher from the Daily Team

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