Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.

The theme of the day: Boeing 737 crash in Ethiopia

For the second time in a few months, a Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft crashed. According to the airline Ethiopian Airlines, all 157 inmates were killed. The machine, which was supposed to fly from the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa to the Kenyan capital Nairobi, crashed on Sunday morning shortly after take-off. The cause of the accident is still unclear. However, there are parallels between the recent crash and the crash of a 737 Max 8 Lion-Air machine in October in Indonesia.

Even then, the machine crashed shortly after the start. The cause of the accident in Indonesia were problems with the board computer. My colleague Gerald Traufetter analyzes in the video why the accidents with the Boeing 737 Max 8 pile up and what the crash means for Boeing.

Several airlines have already drawn consequences after the accident. China, Indonesia and Ethiopia's national airline declared a ban on the launch of all identical machines. Tui is also considering the need for a temporary launch ban. "We are in close contact with Boeing and will evaluate the situation with the manufacturer," said a Tuifly spokesman.

Already after the crash of the machine in Indonesia, my colleague Marco Evers looked at how Boeing built a risky system in his bestseller 737 Max.

The number of the day: 10 million tons

So much plastic is estimated to land in the sea every year. Meanwhile, more than 100 million tons of waste are floating in the oceans. If this goes on, by 2050 more plastic than fish could be swimming in the oceans. To prevent this, a global strategy is needed. Now the topic is on the agenda at the five-day UN Environmental Conference in Nairobi, Kenya. Germany hopes for a deal against plastic waste.


Man collects plastic at the Arabian Sea

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News: What you need to know today

  • Sobering balance of Cologne's New Year's Eve night: 661 women were on New Year's Eve 2015 victims of sexual assault. Despite hundreds of suspects only a few perpetrators could be convicted. The details.
  • Tidying up after "Eberhard": Covered roofs, fallen trees, traffic jams on the highways and delays in rail traffic - storm depression "Eberhard" is working in many places. And the next storm is already on the way.
  • Wagenknecht no longer runs for office : In autumn, the politician will no longer compete for the office of chairman of the left-wing parliamentary group. Reason for health reasons.

Opinion: The most discussed comments, interviews, essays

Dust gray, ash gray, stone gray, lead gray: Even China's ruler Xi Jinping wears his hair now mottled, Harald Schmidt stands out. Here you will learn everything about the trend color. Here is the video.


Where is Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer? Where would she lead Germany as Chancellor, what does she intend to do with the EU? Her latest paper reveals that she has little left for Europe. The column by Stefan Kuzmany.

Debate about being German: 50 years ago, the family of our author Ferda Ataman came from Turkey. She herself was born in Germany almost 40 years ago. Here she explains why she is tired of constantly questioning her German.

Stories: The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

Saxony's head of government worries about the East: "Overpriced metropolises like the West we do not need," says Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer. He explains in an interview how he wants to strengthen the East location.

How do you recognize good honey? Germans love honey. But according to Stiftung Warentest every fourth product is defective. What consumers need to know, read here.

Getty Images / EyeEm

My evening: the recommendations for your end of workday

What you can see: "Bella Germania". The Italo-three-parts on ZDF has its starting point in the fifties. It is about guest workers, the economic miracle and a young woman who is looking for her roots in today's Munich. Fans of "Herzkino" films get their money's worth with the family drama, says author Peter Luley. Part 2 of the trilogy runs tonight at 20.15 clock on ZDF. All three episodes are also available in the media library.

ZDF / Gregor Schnitzler

Vincenzo (Kostja Ullmann), Tanja (Marleen Lohse) in "Bella Germania"

What you can read: "The Neverending Story". The cult book by Michael Ende was published 40 years ago. A good reason to pull out the story about a boy whose path to self-knowledge leads him into a fantasy land. Incidentally, the film adaptation of the work has caused a lot of controversy. What caused the anger and why producer Bernd Eichinger peed in the garden of Michael Ende, has written down our colleague Hendrik Steinkuhl.

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Anna-Sophie Schneider from the Daily Team

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