Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.

The theme of the day: The housing crisis

Unfortunately, it is part of everyday life in German cities: Appraisers for apartments are waiting in line to the street, inside the landlord is umwned, most withdraw and discouraged in a bad mood. In contrast, the real estate owners are in a good mood. They are making bigger and bigger profits because living is getting more and more expensive. On Tuesday, for example, the Deutsche Wohnen Group announced a strong increase for 2018, and this year too, the company is optimistic.

The real estate giants play in cities like Berlin with streets, houses and people Monopoly in the metropolises (read here a report of my colleague Stefan Kaiser). The rents are hardly affordable for many people, the fear reigns.

In the capital, a big demo at Alexanderplatz is planned against the "rent madness" at the beginning of April. More than 200 associations and initiatives want to bring about a referendum on the expropriation of corporations like Deutsche Wohnen or Vonovia, who scrape tenants with questionable methods.

City planner Ricarda Pätzold advises against buying at any price. Even if the home was eventually paid off, it would be necessary for investments, for example, for refurbishment (here it goes to the interview). And how the lifelong dream home can destroy money, time and even marriages, describes my colleague Michaela Schießl.

Buying property is not necessarily the solution for those who have the money for it? Saving money is hardly worthwhile with mini-rates. So why not spend more money? Read here a comment of my colleague Michael Sauga.

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News: What you need to know today

  • Trump's campaign of revenge: The US President takes out after the relieving Mueller report to the counter-attack and wants to chill critics.
  • Gabriel has a new side job: The ex-SPD chief will advise one of the most important accountants worldwide.

Jens Büttner / DPA

Sigmar Gabriel

  • Next Brexit vote: The lower house discusses and votes in the evening about alternative plans for leaving the Union. EU Council President Tusk cited conditions for a prolonged delay.
  • Another dispute over arms stop: Even a top-secret ministerial round did not bring any results, as it continues with the arms embargo against Saudi Arabia.

Opinion: The most discussed comments, interviews, essays

Pyrrhic victory is now called Voss victory: The reform of copyright is an attempt to force a nostalgic desire reality. Proponents like CDU man Axel Voss hope that everything will be fine somehow. That's for nothing. Here is the commentary by Sascha Lobo.

Jordan Peterson saves the bicycle helmet: Many are upset about the helmet campaign of the Federal Transport Minister. But who could replace the underwear models shown there? A suggestion by Harald Schmidt in his video column.


Stories: The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

Why one should be paid for doing nothing: work is better than idleness - that's what the sociology Harald Welzer considers strange. He has his own ideas about laziness and career.

Sebastian Willnow / DPA

If only a teacher can not get sick: At the primary school in the village Dabrun in Saxony-Anhalt teachers are missing, as in many places in Germany. Recently, lessons were canceled for two weeks. The parents are desperate. What to do?

The number of the day: 39

So many cents per liter costs the Wiegart Apfelschorle from Aldi Nord. According to Stiftung Warentest, she scored the best. Twenty-four grades of the finished drink were checked - every third apple spritzer was deficient.

iStockphoto / Getty Images

My evening: the recommendations for your end of workday

Brecht on television: Heinrich Breloer's two-parter about the great poet runs from 8:15 pm on the ARD. If you do not like the movie, you might as well ...

The gambler will be: Wednesday night and no Champions League? Football fans could find out more about the game "Fifa". It leaves hardly a player cold, but has great addictive potential, warn my colleagues Markus Böhm and Daniel Montazeri.


I wish you a nice finishing time.


Alwin Schröder of the Daily Team

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