Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.


The dispute over the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2

France and Germany have yet to find a compromise in the dispute over the Baltic Sea pipeline Nord Stream 2. The EU states then agreed on a common position to revise the EU Gas Directive. From the point of view of the Germans Nord Stream 2 is saved with that.

The topic is controversial in the EU. Opponents argue that Europe is making a dangerous dependence on Russia with the construction of the pipeline and will become blackmailable. The German government is in the pipeline.

Economically, Germany is right with this position, comments my colleague Benjamin Bidder: The pipeline does not make Europe dependent on Russia. But the political criticism is justified, after all, it is about a billions of years and decades of cooperation with Russia, a country that in 2014 by force of arms has moved the borders of Ukraine.

On Thursday, France had surprisingly announced its vote in favor of the amendment proposed by the Commission. The construction of the gas pipeline would not have been stopped, but could have been more strictly regulated by the EU. My colleagues Markus Becker and Peter Müller explain what is behind Macron's course change. Now France has turned in. The compromise should allow the EU to impose additional conditions without calling into question the future of the project.


1318 billion euros

German exports will be so high in 2018. For the fifth time in a row, exports have reached a record high, rising by three percent last year. Germany has never exported so much and despite Brexit worries. Imports also hit a new high of 1090 billion euros, and even increased by 5.7 percent.

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What you need to know today

  • Lustreisen of DFB officials endanger the charitable status: CFO Ulrich Bergmoser has created a sins register of the DFB leadership.
  • Bundeswehr suspended elite soldiers: The lieutenant colonel is said to have spread the slogans of the "Reich citizens" on the Internet.
  • University is to examine Franziska Giffey's dissertation: plagiarism hunters have their doubts about the doctoral thesis of the family minister .


Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister of the Family.

  • Supreme Court Blocks Restrictive Law on Abortions : After the appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, experts in the US had expected otherwise.


Most talked about comments, interviews, essays

Harald Schmidt was at the parents' day. At the teacher-parent-talk there was only praise, the little ones are the rosiest prospects predicted. What a good feeling! Click here for the video.


Harald Schmidt


The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

Is the ex planning his comeback? - In the shadow of the SPD leadership crisis, Sigmar Gabriel is rebuilding itself. The further he moves away from the party, the more popular the former chairman becomes. What drives him.

Mom, dad, pendulum: A separation is often a drama - even for children. Most children then live with their mother and rarely see their father. But it works differently.

"I have spent many sleepless nights" about this: A conversation with Barack Obama's former foreign policy advisor Ben Rhodes about America's new role in the world.


The recommendations for your closing time


Rosamunde Pilcher at Loch Loggan in Scotland

What you could do: The queen of kitsch died this week. Rosamunde Pilcher has created her own genre with her "Land and Passion" skills. It is so popular with the Germans that ZDF has piled up 144 episodes of his episodes from Pilcher's 18 novels. After the busy week, they could watch one of them and "take a warm bath in relaxing stereotypes and fragrant clichés," as Arno Frank writes. Because no matter what happens outside in the world, everything is still fine in Pilcher's idyllic landscapes.

Paolo Puccini

What else you could do: If you are not a fan of Pilcher or are one of the people who like to leave home on Friday evenings, why not look for a "whispering bar"? Speakeasy bars are now available all over the world: based on the bars that used to be tucked away during Prohibition in the US, their addresses are given only to the initiated. Meanwhile, the secret bars are so hyped that there is now a book about them. Maybe you will find ideas there.

And the weather?

Smoothness, storm and fresh snow - in which regions of Germany threatens the weekend danger? Click here for the weather column by Jörg Kachelmann.

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Milena Hassenkamp from the Daily Team

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