United Kingdom and Gibraltar European Union membership referendum

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Led by far-right activist Tommy Robinson, thousands of people demonstrated in London for Brexit. The founder of the Islamophobic organization English Defense League protested together with supporters of the EU-hostile Ukip party. According to organizers came to a counter-demonstration of supporters of the opposition Labor Party significantly more participants, about 15,000 people.

The security forces had imposed strict conditions in advance to prevent clashes between the two camps. The police gave no estimates of the number of participants.

The extreme right-wing Robinson is an advisor to Gerard Batten, who has been chairman of Ukip since last April. Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage recently announced his withdrawal from the party. The reason: Ukip open more and more extremist forces.

"That's speculation"

London's parliament is scheduled to vote Tuesday on the Brexit deal negotiated with the EU. The chances for Prime Minister Theresa May to implement her plans in the lower house are extremely bad.

Reports of a postponement of the vote in the lower house contradicted the government. "The vote will take place on Tuesday," said a spokeswoman. Earlier, the Sunday Times reported that May wanted more time for talks in Brussels to prevent the overthrow of her government.