With a telegram to Iran, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has drawn sharp criticism. As reported by the Bild newspaper, the 63-year-old had sent "warm congratulations" to President Hassan Ruhani on the occasion of the National Day of the Islamic Republic, criticizing the letter in the first few days, and now the Central Council of Jews has also been outraged responding.

"By the Federal President's congratulatory telegram on the anniversary of the revolution in Iran, routine diplomacy seems to have supplanted critical thinking," said Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council, the "Bild" newspaper. He spoke of lack of sensitivity in the presidential office. "If a need was felt to congratulate on this anniversary, the President would at least have to find clear words of criticism of the regime."

The national holiday in Iran falls on the 11th of February and marks the anniversary of the revolution. In 1979, the Iranian monarchy collapsed, the spiritual leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini became the new head of state. It began a reign of terror with arrests and executions of opposition clergy and political opponents. Even today, women have only very limited rights in the country.

Schuster demands reaction from Steinmeier

Steinmeier had written on the occasion of the 40th anniversary according to "Bild": "On the National Day of the Islamic Republic of Iran I send you, also on behalf of my compatriots, my congratulations." On the other hand, he spoke only vaguely about the human rights situation, asking Ruhani to "listen to the critical voices in your country, too".

The statement from the presidential office for the telegram: The procedure is "years of state practice", the tone in such letters is fundamentally positive. However, Schuster from the Central Council of Jews demands more: "I expect the Federal President to take the next opportunity to make clear to Iran the critical attitude of the Germans in whose name he speaks," he told the "Bild".

In addition to the controversial human rights situation, Iran is also criticized for supporting the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Terrorist financing is also accused to the country.