Alexis de la Fléchère / Photo credits: GREGOR FISCHER / DPA / DPA PICTURE-ALLIANCE VIA AFP 9:54 a.m., February 8, 2024

The first figures for crime and delinquency observed in France in 2023 were published by the Ministry of the Interior at the end of January. Almost all indicators are up compared to 2022. Faced with this observation, some French people are taking self-defense courses.

Homicides, attempted homicides, intentional assault and battery on people aged 15 or over within the family, sexual violence... According to the first figures for crime and delinquency observed in 2023, published by the Ministry of Internally, violence is on the rise in France. Consequence: some French people take self-defense classes. 

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“A way to have more self-confidence”

Black pants, white t-shirt and yellow belt at the waist, around thirty people rehearse Krav-maga self-defense and counter-attack techniques under the neon lights of this Parisian dojo. At the microphone of Europe 1, Marion says she registered there to better understand the risks of everyday life. "In Paris, you can easily be followed, attacked... It's rare to have a peaceful day. [Here], you acquire lots of reflexes and it's also a way to have more self-confidence" , she slips.

“The skills we develop here can save our lives”

A climate of insecurity which also encouraged Michel to open the doors of this club. "I was already attacked with a knife before doing Krav Maga, I only escaped with a few bruises. The skills we develop here can save our lives, maybe even the lives of others. unknown,” he says.

Benjamin is a black belt, fourth dan. He dissects the news items that make the headlines during his training. "I'm like, 'What would I have done if it was me?' We also think about harassment, my oldest is in college, so I think it gives him confidence,” he says, having pushed his son to take these self-defense courses. Over the last two years, Vincent, one of the club's teachers, confirms an increase in registrations, particularly among women.