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Video duration 02 minutes 07 seconds 02:07

The mother of the two girls, Layan and Hind Rajab, narrated the circumstances of the accident that resulted in the death of her daughter, Layan, and the disappearance of her sister and the crew of a Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance team, after the Israeli occupation forces surrounded them near a gas station in Gaza City.

The mother told Al Jazeera that she was in constant contact with her two daughters to check on them before she received the news of the martyrdom of her daughter, Layan, and family members.

She revealed that she tried - in a phone call - to calm her daughter Layan, but the Red Crescent team asked to speak to her, and at that moment an Israeli tank opened fire on the car that was transporting the family.

Lian's call to the Red Crescent documented the girl asking for help, "We need your help... They are shooting at us... We are inside the car and the tank is near us." Then he heard the sounds of gunfire and screaming, and the call was cut off.

The mother added that her daughter Hind told her - in a phone call - that her sister was martyred and that she was alive, and assured her that she was injured in her hand, back and leg.

The Palestinian Red Crescent in the Gaza Strip renewed its deep concern about its continued loss of contact with the rescue team that went to rescue the child Hind stuck in a car targeted by the occupation in Gaza City, which resulted in the martyrdom of her family members.

The association said in a post that 42 hours have passed since the incident, and the fate of the girl and the rescue team is still unknown until now.

Source: Al Jazeera