On Instagram, they collect and share various testimonials from patients in eating disorder care.

- We started the account a little desperately, wondering if we were alone in this experience of eating disorder care. But there were many who immediately started sending us their testimonies, says Ellinor Mark.

SVT has previously reported on Mando's eating disorder clinics, where several patients, former employees and current employees testified about severe self-harm, unsuitable staff and a lack of psychological help at the clinics.

Stories of abuse

Also to the Instagram account "Eating disorder call" several experiences from Mando have been shared, but also from other eating disorder care around the country.

Often the followers' stories are about care not being sufficiently individualized and co-morbidity not being handled correctly, that is, when a patient also suffers from other mental health problems in combination with the eating disorder. But there can also be stories about poor treatment in healthcare and sexual abuse.

Positive change

Now Ellinor and Matilda want there to be a change in eating disorder care throughout the country. They hope to contribute by, among other things, spreading the testimonies and creating attention to how many people experience the care.

- We are just two private individuals and former patients, but we may be able to bring about some positive change in that others are told that they are not alone, says Ellinor Mark.