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Video duration 05 minutes 47 seconds 05:47

The dispute between the administration of US President Joe Biden and the state of Texas over the country's southern border worsened, as the state's Republican governor, Greg Abbott, announced that he would extend new barbed wire on the border, in contravention of the Supreme Court's decision.

Last Thursday, Republican governors of 25 states pledged to support the Texas governor.

 The move comes in response to former President Donald Trump's call for Republican-led states to work together to combat the problem of irregular immigration at the southern border, an issue that Republicans said Biden is failing to properly handle.

In a statement, Abbott announced his refusal to comply with the Supreme Court’s decision to remove the barbed wire placed by Texas state authorities in certain parts of the border.

While the debate continues over how to implement the Supreme Court’s decision, some experts believe that Biden could “federalize the Texas National Guard,” and in this case, he could declare a national emergency, link the Texas National Guard to the federal administration, and implement the court’s decision in this way. method.

Texas economy

Meanwhile, as the dispute intensified, talk emerged about the possibility of secession of the state located in the south of the country and the economic consequences that might affect the United States if that happened.

These are the most prominent facts about the state’s economy in the third quarter of last year, according to its official website:

  • The size of the state's economy is $2.4 trillion, ranking it eighth in the world and surpassing Russia, Canada, and Italy.

  •  Best business environment in the United States.

  • It alone accounts for 9% of the US domestic product.

  • It accounts for 22% of US exports.

  •  The most exporting US state for 21 years.

  • Texas accounted for a 42.6% share of American oil during the past year, which is the highest share among the states, according to the American Forbes magazine.

  • The state's daily production reached 5.41 million barrels during the past year.

  • According to the Texas Railroad Authority, oil and gas production during last October - for example - came from 162,578 oil wells and 86,662 gas wells.

  • The state that exports the most semiconductors for 12 years.

  • The state exports the most technological products for 10 years.

  • The best state for high value business investments with significant job creation.

  • The number one state for foreign direct investment for the past 20 years and the number one global destination.

  •  99.8% of businesses in Texas are small, and 3.1 million businesses employ nearly half of all Texas workers.

  • US states lead in financial services and chemical engineering jobs.

  •  Its young and skilled workforce exceeds 15.1 million people.

  •  The state receives more than 1,000 people daily including newborns from Texas and people moving from other states and countries.

  • Texas produces 9% of all goods manufactured in the United States.

  •  The state has 26 commercial airports and 19 seaports.

  • 367 miles along the state's coast.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies + websites