In response to the incident surrounding the political funding party of a faction of the Liberal Democratic Party, Izumi, the representative of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, pointed out that the cabinet deserves to resign en masse, and expressed his intention to strictly pursue the matter during intensive deliberations in the Diet on the 29th. .

Izumi, the representative of the Constitutional Democratic Party, told reporters in Utsunomiya on the 28th, regarding the incident surrounding the political funding party of a faction of the Liberal Democratic Party, ``We have to wipe out the politics that has created an abnormal culture of money. The congressman who invited the incident should resign and a proper investigation and verification should be carried out.''

He added, ``It is unacceptable for Prime Minister Kishida to act like it's a joke and cover it up as a ``Political Reform Headquarters'' even though his own faction has not included income and expenditure reports.'' He must take responsibility. The Cabinet must resign en masse,'' he said, indicating that he would pursue the matter strictly during an intensive deliberation at the budget committees of both houses of the House of Representatives on the 29th.

Regarding political reforms in response to the incident, he said, ``If all political parties share the same goals of making political funding transparent, abolishing donations from corporations and organizations, and completely banning political parties, politics will become less expensive. I want to present my ideas and get them to a successful conclusion."