In response to the incident surrounding the political funding party of a faction of the Liberal Democratic Party, the budget committees of both houses of the Diet will hold intensive deliberations on the 29th. While the ruling party has assured Prime Minister Kishida of his determination to prevent a recurrence, the opposition party plans to hold Prime Minister Kishida and other faction leaders who were not indicted responsible.

On the 29th, the Diet will hold intensive deliberations on the topic of political funding at the budget committees of both houses of the Diet, attended by Prime Minister Kishida and relevant ministers.

The ruling party hopes to regain trust by conveying to Prime Minister Kishida its determination to prevent a recurrence, confirming the content of the interim report of the "Political Reform Headquarters" previously decided by the Liberal Democratic Party, and appealing to its effectiveness. It's a thought.

In response, the opposition parties are demanding accountability from Prime Minister Kishida, political responsibility of Abe faction leaders who were not indicted, and disclosing the number of members who received kickbacks from party tickets from the faction. Our policy is to ask you to do so.

In addition, in order to make political funding more transparent, both the ruling and opposition parties will digitize income and expenditure reports, and introduce a ``co-cooperation system'' in which not only the accounting officer but also the members themselves will be held responsible in the event of malicious accounting practices. We will present specific proposals for amending the Political Funds Control Act, and ask Prime Minister Kishida for his views.

Following intensive deliberation on the 28th, Prime Minister Kishida will deliver a policy speech on the 29th, and questions from representatives of each party will begin on the 30th, with debate between the ruling and opposition parties beginning.