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Video duration 05 minutes 51 seconds 05:51

Occupied Jerusalem -

Since last October 7, the prisoner Ayman Al-Sharbati from the city of Jerusalem has lost contact with his family, and what increases the family’s anxiety is the arrival of news that he was beaten and isolated in solitary confinement.

Al-Sharbati was arrested on March 17, 1998 and sentenced to 100 years in prison. His children lived their childhood and today live their youth away from him and without him even allowing them to greet him during the visits that were allowed before they were completely stopped since the start of the aggression against the Gaza Strip.

Alaa, the son of the prisoner Ayman, talks to Al Jazeera Net about his family’s pain in the absence of his father, and about important milestones in his family’s life. The father was arrested while his daughter Yara had not seen the light of day, and today she is the mother of a child.

As for Alaa, he was five years old, and today he has finished his secondary and university education and is on the cusp of obtaining a doctorate in international law from France, without sharing any of these joyous moments with his father.

Despite the restrictions and pain of prison, Alaa says that his father, who was sentenced to 100 years in prison, preoccupies himself with love for the country. During his imprisonment, he obtained a bachelor’s degree and published two books documenting the experience of detention and the lives of prisoners.

Alaa reviews moments in the family's life and his father's life inside the prison, and explains how the nickname "citizen" by which he was known among the prisoners came about.

Source: Al Jazeera