Jamal El-Haj was interviewed by Aktuellt this week after a period of silence. He spoke about the tours and responded to the criticism after participating in a conference in Malmö where the chairman was accused of colluding with Hamas.

- My identity in the Palestine issue is very strong. The conference was in my city and it would be wrong of me not to attend such a conference, El-Haj said.

He further said that he condemns Hamas and adds that he has written both motions and debate articles against terrorism over the years.

The images were published on Amin Abu Rashid's private Facebook account in 2017 and on a Facebook account belonging to the European Palestinians conference in 2019.

Amin Abu Rashid's private Facebook account in 2017. Photo: Facebook

"Don't know everyone I took pictures with"

El-Haj claims he did not speak to Abu Rashid until last February.

"Because I have been a municipal politician for many years and a member of parliament since 2016, it often happens that people want to take pictures with me. It does not mean that I know everyone with whom I took a picture. Or who participates in Palestinian gatherings together with me," writes Jamal El-Haj in an email to Aftonbladet.

Amin Abu Rashid is now in custody in the Netherlands on suspicion of having collected many millions for the terror-labeled Hamas.

Baudin: What one does affects the possibility of new trusts

The Social Democrats' party secretary Tobias Baudin says in an interview with SvD, which was published on Saturday, that he still does not think he should have gone to the Palestine conference. hrs

- He is a member of parliament in Sweden's parliament, he represents us social democrats. If we make a recommendation that you should not go there, then you should not go there.

SVT Nyheter is looking for Jamal El-Haj.

European Palestinians Conference account from 2019. Photo: Facebook.