[ASEAN Special Line] Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia: China and Cambodia will join hands to create a new situation in people-to-people and cultural exchanges in 2024

  China News Service, Phnom Penh, January 27 (Yang Qiang Li Haiyue) The Chinese Embassy in Cambodia held the 2024 Spring Festival reception on the evening of the 27th. Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Wang Wentian delivered a speech, extending sincere greetings and holiday blessings to friends from all walks of life, and thanking The vast number of overseas Chinese have made positive contributions to the development of their ancestral (home) country and China-Cambodia relations.

The picture shows the lion dance performance at the reception. Photo by Li Haiyue, China News Service

  When talking about bilateral relations, Wang Wentian emphasized that the past year was a year in which China-Cambodia relations continued the past and ushered in the future. The leaders of the two countries reached important consensus on building a high-quality, high-level and high-standard China-Cambodia community with a shared future in the new era, and jointly committed to building a "Diamond Six-sided" cooperation structure and building an "Industrial Development Corridor" and a "Fish and Rice Corridor". The two countries successfully held a series of activities to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and the "China-Cambodia Friendship Year". Exchanges and cooperation in various fields continued to deepen and achieved fruitful results.

  Wang Wentian pointed out that 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and is also the "Year of People-to-People Exchanges between China and Cambodia". The two sides will implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, deepen cooperation in culture, tourism, youth, local and other fields, create a new situation in people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and promote the deepening and solidification of the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Cambodia. The Chinese Embassy in Cambodia will continue to uphold the principle of "people-oriented, diplomacy for the people" and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of compatriots in Cambodia.

  The reception was designed with a lion dance performance and a display of calligraphy, musical instruments, tea art and special snacks, which was full of New Year flavor. At the same time, the "65th Anniversary of China-Cambodia Friendship" and "Beautiful China" video and photo exhibitions were launched, as well as an exhibition of mutual translations of Chinese and Cambodian classic books. Guests attending the meeting highly praised China's development achievements in the new era and the achievements of China-Cambodia community with a shared future, and sincerely wished the two countries prosperity, national peace and security, and lasting brotherhood that would be passed down from generation to generation. (over)