Burkina, Mali, Niger withdraw from ECOWAS

Burkina, Mali and Niger announced in a joint official statement their withdrawal from ECOWAS with immediate effect.

ECOWAS member heads of state gathered in Abuja for a summit of the regional organization on December 10, 2023. © KOLA SULAIMON / AFP

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Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, three countries led by military juntas, announced this Sunday that they were leaving the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) with immediate effect. 

The respective leaders of the three Sahelian States, “

taking all their responsibilities in the face of history and responding to the expectations, concerns and aspirations of their populations, decide in complete sovereignty on the immediate withdrawal of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger from the Economic Community of West African States

,” said the statement read on the state media of these countries.

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