The minister’s words are quoted by the press service of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

“The Taiwan issue is an internal matter of China, and elections in Taiwan cannot change the fact that Taiwan is part of China. The biggest risk to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait is “Taiwan independence,” and the biggest challenge to China-US relations is also “Taiwan independence,” the statement said.

According to the Financial Times, a delegation of US lawmakers will soon arrive in Taiwan to demonstrate Washington's support to local authorities. Representatives Ami Bera, Andy Barr and Mario Diaz-Balart will be visiting the island. House Select Committee on China Chairman Mike Gallagher will also visit Taiwan.

As stated in Beijing, China will continue to promote the process of peaceful reunification with Taiwan in 2024.

American President Joe Biden has confirmed that the United States does not support Taiwan's independence. At the same time, the White House noted that the United States stands for peace in Taiwan, but will not refuse to supply arms to the region.