Leading American newspapers are reporting that the Biden administration is putting together a new aid strategy aimed at deterring another invasion and strengthening its combat capabilities and economy over the long term, rather than aiming to retake territory from Russia. I did.

This was reported by the Washington Post, a leading newspaper, citing multiple senior officials in the Biden administration.

According to the report, the Biden administration of the United States, the largest supporter of Ukraine, has stated that the reversal offensive launched by the Ukrainian military last year with the aim of recapturing territory has not achieved any notable results, and that it is preferring Russia to take back territory. They say they are putting together a new support strategy to stop the military invasion.

The plan aims to strengthen Ukraine's combat capabilities and economy over the long term, building a strong Ukrainian military and rebuilding its industrial and export base.

The new strategy also takes into account the possibility that former President Donald Trump, who has complained that the United States is bearing an excessive burden in aid to Ukraine, will be re-elected in this fall's U.S. presidential election. A government official was quoted as saying, ``This is a guarantee.''

On the other hand, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 24th of this month that a Russian military plane was shot down by a Ukrainian attack, but Ukrainian authorities say it was a Ukrainian prisoner who was on board the military plane. It was announced that the Russian side had provided a list of 65 people.

However, according to local media, Ukraine's Ministry of Defense Director General of Intelligence Budanov said, ``At this point, there is no evidence that there were that many people on board the military aircraft,'' indicating that they will continue to carefully analyze the incident. That's it.