The demonstrations demanded an immediate halt to the aggression against Gaza and denounced the positions of countries supporting Israel (Anatolia)

Thousands of demonstrators came out in several European capitals on Saturday in solidarity with Palestine and demanding an end to the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip that has been ongoing for about 4 months.

In the Swedish capital, Stockholm, about 15,000 people participated in a demonstration of solidarity with Palestine in front of the headquarters of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, demanding an end to the war crimes committed by the Israeli occupation in Gaza.

The demonstrators raised banners denouncing the killing of children in Gaza and others accusing Israel of committing genocide during its ongoing aggression against the Gaza Strip. They also chanted slogans demanding freedom for Palestine and calling for a boycott of Israel, expressing their denunciation of the positions of the United States and Sweden in support of Tel Aviv.

In the German capital, Berlin, demonstrators demanded an immediate end to the genocide committed by the occupation forces in Gaza, and denounced Germany's official, unconditional support for the Israeli government.

The German Foreign Minister had previously called for a humanitarian truce in Gaza and for Israel to respect the recent decisions of the International Court of Justice.

Demonstrators in Berlin raise banners criticizing the German government’s position on the aggression against Gaza (Anatolia)

Israel is not above the law

Today, the Greek capital, Athens, witnessed a march of solidarity with Palestine, as thousands gathered in Freedom Park in Athens, before heading on foot to the headquarters of the Israeli embassy, ​​in front of which they organized a protest and chanted slogans calling for justice and freedom for Palestine. They also called for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state as that path. The only solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The demonstrators demanded an end to the Israeli aggression on Gaza, and to allow aid to enter the Palestinian people.

Anatolia Agency quoted the head of the Greek Muslim Association, Naeem Al-Ghaddour, who participated in the demonstration, as saying that the decision of the International Court of Justice regarding the lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel regarding its commission of genocide in Gaza is a matter of joy and joy for supporters of the Palestinian cause.

He said that this decision showed Israel, for the first time in history, that it is not above the law.

Demonstrators raise a banner demanding an end to the genocide against the Palestinians (Anatolia)

On Friday, the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to take measures to prevent genocide against the Palestinians and improve the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, but the decision did not explicitly stipulate a ceasefire.

The International Court’s decision was welcomed internationally and regionally, including by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), but the Islamic Jihad movement warned against Israel exploiting the court’s failure to issue an explicit decision for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, noting that this allows Israel to act. as you like.

On January 11 and 12, the International Court of Justice in The Hague held two public hearings to consider the lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel on charges of committing genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies