It was in mid-January that it became known that a database with 70 million login details for services such as Netflix, Facebook and Pay Pal had been leaked.

The leak reached the public when the owner of the page "Have I Been Pwned", Troy Hunt, wrote about the incident on his blog. However, the data breach itself appears to have occurred about four months earlier, according to Hunt.

"Have I Been Pwned" is a service where visitors can check if their email address is part of a leak. The Theft Protection Association's website, which offers the same type of service, was overloaded this week when thousands wanted to check their email addresses at the same time.

Previously secret passwords

What makes this leak remarkable, according to the IT experts, is that 25 million of the leaked passwords belonged to accounts that had not previously appeared in leaks, so-called unreported passwords.

Swedes are now at risk of being affected by the effects of the leak. But in what way? And how does it happen?

SVT finds out how it happens when your passwords are sold on the darknet in the video above.