Angela Martialay Madrid

Marina Pina Madrid



Updated Saturday, January 27, 2024-02:10


"The wiretapping that we are aware of is due to operations initiated by the CNI before we came to power and always had judicial authorization."

  • Spying on actors in the pro-independence world began with the Government of Mariano Rajoy, but the first extension to infect Aragonés's phone occurred with the Executive of

    Pedro Sánchez.


"Neither the CNI nor the Supreme Court have to inform, logically, the Government."

  • The Executive priorities established in the intelligence directive are those that motivate the work of the Center's agents. In addition, periodic meetings are held with the Intelligence Affairs Commission where progress is discussed. Here is a key that EL MUNDO has confirmed. In these meetings it is not specified how the directive is being fulfilled. For security reasons, neither the members of the Government who come ask questions, nor does the CNI detail what they use, whether the data is obtained through informants or the use of any software. This point in the statement sent yesterday by Government sources has especially bothered the sources consulted, because they are aware that they "take advantage of the silence" within the center. These explanations from the Executive have also generated surprise in the Supreme Court since the "control of the CNI" belongs to the Government, not to Judge Pablo Lucas, who limits himself to acting as a kind of judge of guarantees regarding authorizations.


"It was precisely this Government that has decided to collaborate with justice and declassify this information at the request of a judge, always within the limit of national security."

  • They say this in the third point of the statement. However, CNI sources consulted by that newspaper assure that the fact that the Government has let


    fall and has reached the point of testifying before a judge "is a danger for Spain, because it gives an image of lack of credibility of the institutions", leaves them in a "defenseless" situation and endangers collaboration with other global spy services.


«This information shows that the rule of law now works and acts with transparency. Nothing to do with the parallel police and the dirty war during the PP stage.

  • That the Government uses the Pegasus case to get into political trouble is uncomfortable within the CNI, whose agents feel in a situation of "defencelessness" due to the attacks received and the sowing of suspicion that during Mariano Rajoy's Government


    agents They acted differently. The sources consulted insist that if the intelligence directive changes and Sánchez signs that other priorities have to be approved this year, which has not yet been processed, the CNI will work in that direction, without judging and with loyalty to the Executive.