He said that he almost died from exhaustion during the siege of Leningrad. His father died from a wound, and his mother was left with three children.

“We received 125 grams of bread in February - a meager amount. There was no water... We lived on the sixth floor, and my mother was getting snow from the attic. They drowned it and ate it,” shared Yuri Georgievich.

Both his brothers later passed away, he added.

Yuri was saved by evacuation. He was taken out of the besieged city through the Road of Life.

Ruptly video.

Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense published declassified documents on the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade. Among them are descriptions of military operations, maps with a plan of the Soviet command, a photo report of the work of the artillery of the Baltic Fleet, and award lists for the city’s defenders.

It was also reported that the “Memory is Stronger than Time” program, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade, was held on Friday, January 26, at the House of Officers of the Krasnoznamensk urban district in the Moscow region.