China News Service, January 27. According to the website of the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Office of the State Council Security Committee issued a notice on the 26th to launch a large-scale rectification operation to focus on fire safety, and decided to organize fire protection nationwide from now until the end of March. A large-scale rectification operation to focus on safety and eliminate troubles. The full text is as follows:

  On January 24, 2024, a particularly serious fire accident occurred in a street store in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, resulting in 39 deaths and 9 injuries. On January 19, a major fire accident occurred in the dormitory building of Yingcai School, Dushu Town, Fangcheng County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, killing 13 children and injuring one child. Within a week, major and particularly major fire accidents occurred continuously, and the problems exposed were extremely profound. In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and the instructions and requirements of the central leaders, in accordance with the deployment of the National Safety Production Video and Telephone Conference, resolutely and thoroughly rectify outstanding risks and hazards in key places, and resolutely prevent and contain fire accidents that cause mass deaths and injuries, the State Council Safety Committee The Council Office has decided to organize a nationwide fire safety rectification campaign to focus on eliminating dangers from now until the end of March. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

  1. Target tasks

  Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we adhere to the "two supremacy" and base on the "two fundamentals", fully understand the current extremely severe fire situation, keep a close eye on key areas and key links, and make precise efforts and focus on We must eliminate troubles by taking multiple measures and implementing comprehensive policies to effectively improve the quality of investigation and rectification of major fire safety risks and hidden dangers, effectively enhance the strong will and ability to find and solve problems, make every effort to prevent and resolve major safety risks, and resolutely reverse the trend of frequent fires. Passive situation. By intensively carrying out large-scale inspections, large-scale rectification, large-scale exposure, large-scale drills, large-scale talks, and large-scale supervision actions, we will comprehensively investigate the "nine small places", multi-business mixed production and operation sites, and crowded places to highlight hidden risks, and strictly implement the key requirements for rectification. Effectively transfer pressure to grassroots units and to the end of society, promote the consolidation of the most terminal fire prevention responsibilities, and resolutely curb the occurrence of major fire accidents.

  2. Scope of rectification

  (1) "Nine small places". Including small schools and kindergartens, small medical institutions, small shops, small restaurants, small hotels, small singing and dancing entertainment, small Internet cafes, small beauty baths, small production and processing enterprises and other places.

  (2) Multi-business mixed production and business premises. Including business premises that integrate catering, accommodation, entertainment, commerce, warehousing, culture, sports, training and other multi-functional businesses, and sub-lease and sublease to form labor-intensive enterprises with multiple functions of production and storage.

  (3) Places with densely populated areas. Including hotels, public entertainment venues, large commercial complexes, hospitals, boarding primary and secondary schools, nursing homes, tourist venues, children's welfare homes and other places.

  3. Key points of rectification

  Deeply learn the lessons from the "1.24" particularly serious fire accident in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province and the "1.19" major fire accident in Nanyang City, Henan Province, and focus on rectifying the following key issues:

  (1) Illegal construction operations and production operations.

  1. Unapproved construction operations, unlicensed construction operations, illegal demolition operations, illegal layer-by-layer subcontracting construction operations, and risky operations without implementing operational safety measures.

  2. Illegal use of open flames or electric welding or gas welding operations. Fire, electric welding, and gas welding workers do not hold certificates for work, electric welding and gas welding operations do not go through fire approval procedures, and corresponding fire safety measures are not taken at the work site.

  3. No specialized personnel are arranged for on-site safety management during hot work.

  4. Hot welding operations, sparking operations and operations with fire and explosion risks are carried out at the construction site.

  5. Cold storages installed in crowded places and underground buildings use flammable and combustible insulation materials in violation of regulations, and fire prevention measures are not strictly implemented during the construction, renovation, and dismantling of cold storages.

  (2) Insufficient safe evacuation conditions.

  1. Occupy, block, or seal evacuation passages, safety exits, and fire truck passages.

  2. The number and width of safety exits and evacuation stairs are insufficient.

  3. Emergency broadcasts, emergency lighting, and evacuation signs are damaged.

  4. Fire extinguishing and emergency evacuation plans are not formulated based on actual conditions, and employees and dormitory managers do not master the skills of fighting initial fires and organizing evacuation and escape.

  5. In multi-business mixed production and operation sites, the person responsible for unified management of shared evacuation passages and safety exits has not been determined.

  (3) Illegal installation of anti-theft nets and billboards.

  1. In crowded places, set up obstacles such as anti-theft nets, iron fences, billboards, etc. on doors and windows that may affect escape, fire-fighting and rescue.

  2. When approving outdoor billboards in crowded places, it was not checked whether it would affect the public safety of the building in accordance with laws and regulations.

  Each region can further refine the focus of rectification by combining the fire risk hazard characteristics of the local "nine small places", multi-business mixed production and operation places, and crowded places, such as the illegal use of flammable and combustible sandwich color steel plate materials in crowded places, building fire protection Hidden dangers such as facility damage and decommissioning.

  4. Work measures

  (1) Carry out intensive investigation operations. All regions should issue notices on rectification of key three-category places, fully launch self-examination and self-correction of outstanding fire safety risks and hidden dangers in all three-category places, require the person responsible for the place and the manager to lead a team to conduct self-examination, and sign and confirm that the self-inspection record is archived for future reference. All relevant departments and units should formulate and issue the key points for fire inspections in the three types of places, organize and carry out fire safety inspections in the industry, and identify outstanding risks and hazards in the industry. It is necessary to organize and mobilize grassroots forces such as public security police stations, fire stations, and comprehensive law enforcement teams to carry out investigations. For outstanding risks and hidden dangers that are difficult to rectify, timely reports are made to township governments and sub-district offices, and relevant departments are organized to jointly investigate and deal with them.

  (2) Focus on carrying out major rectification actions. All regions, relevant departments and units must register the outstanding risks and hidden dangers discovered during the investigation, conduct closed-loop management, implement classified policies, and write off the accounts one by one. For units that can be rectified on their own, all rectifications must be urged in accordance with the law; for those that are difficult to rectify, they must be targeted for rectification, with clear rectification responsibilities and plans, detailed rectification measures and time limits, and rectification of one location and closure of each case. For units that fail to make corrections within the time limit or refuse to make corrections, we must be tough, make full use of law enforcement measures, and deal with them strictly, severely, and expeditiously in accordance with the law. In particular, we must resolutely crack down on problems such as illegal hot and hot welding construction operations, blocked evacuation routes and illegal installation of iron fences. Those who commit serious breach of trust must be recorded on the credit management platform and jointly punished. For those suspected of committing crimes, we will strengthen the connection between executions, investigate criminal responsibility in accordance with the law, and never tolerate or accommodate them.

  (3) Concentrate on large-scale exposure operations. All regions should focus on exposing typical hidden dangers, outstanding problems and serious violations, and announce the names of units and specific problems to the public. For cases where hidden dangers are particularly prominent and illegal acts are particularly serious, we will coordinate the central media, provincial and local mainstream media to expose them and promote the rectification of hidden dangers. Use media platforms to vigorously promote reporting and complaint channels, implement relevant incentive measures, and mobilize the public to report fire hazards and firefighting violations. All regions, relevant departments and units should strengthen warning education on typical fire cases, analyze the causes and lessons of fire accidents, and improve the public's fire safety capabilities and quality. It is necessary to carry out extensive publicity on common sense such as safe use of fire, electricity and gas, safe discharge of fireworks and firecrackers, smooth life passages, emergency evacuation and escape, etc., and guide residents to consciously implement the "three cleans and three checks".

  (4) Focus on carrying out large-scale drill operations. All regions, relevant departments and units should focus on three types of key places, such as "nine small places", mixed production and operation of multiple industries, and densely populated places, and highlight the business owners, employees, dormitory administrators, medical staff and caregivers, property personnel, and security guards. "Seven key groups" such as police officers, grassroots law enforcement officers and grid officers, as well as the "three disposal teams" of volunteer fire brigades (micro fire stations), township government full-time fire brigades, and enterprise full-time fire brigades, according to the formulation of drill plans, do a good job Methods and steps for preparing for drills, organizing and implementing drills, and conducting review and evaluation, organize and carry out fire safety drills, strive to improve personnel's ability to fight fires and evacuate and escape in the first instance, and strive to realize that everyone can escape and everyone can respond to emergencies.

  (5) Focus on carrying out major talks. All regions should combine large-scale inspections and large-scale rectification actions to carefully study and judge fire safety risks in key industries and fields, issue work reminder letters to relevant departments and units, point out outstanding risks and hidden dangers, and propose preventive countermeasures. For fire-prone areas and industries with prominent problems, grassroots governments and industry departments must be organized to conduct interviews and issue work warning letters. Various regions have centralized listing and supervision of a number of major fire hazards, creating a strong deterrent effect. For hazards that are difficult to rectify and have high fire risks, each region must organize on-site hazard rectification meetings to clarify responsibilities, risks, hazards, and supervise the implementation of rectifications.

  (6) Carry out centralized supervision actions. All provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) should organize relevant departments to jointly set up a number of supervision teams to go to cities and counties to carry out "penetrating", "confirming" and "correlated" inspections and secret visits, and provide media camera personnel to accompany the teams to check the videos. A warning meeting will be held after each region, where a warning educational film will be played to analyze the underlying causes, report work problems and deficiencies, convey work pressure, and propose recommended measures. Various industry departments must set up supervision groups and law enforcement teams, led by department leaders, deploy business backbones, and carry out centralized supervision and inspections in different regions. They must dare to confront difficulties more realistically, dare to attack problems directly, and provide truthful feedback on the supervision situation to truly achieve the supervision effect. The State Council Security Committee Office will organize and carry out supervision and inspection work in due course.

  5. Working steps

  (1) Mobilization and deployment (before the end of January 2024). Based on the actual situation, we should refine the action plan for the major rectification of the region and the system, clarify the scope and focus of the rectification, refine the division of tasks and work responsibilities, and make special arrangements and launches. Announcements on fire safety rectification were widely released to the public to form a strong momentum to eliminate the problem.

  (2) Troubleshooting (before mid-March 2024). In accordance with the deployment of the major rectification action to eliminate troubles, we will focus on carrying out large-scale inspections, large-scale rectification, large-scale exposure, large-scale drills, large-scale talks, and large-scale supervision operations to comprehensively investigate the outstanding risks of "nine small places", multi-business mixed production and operation sites, and crowded places. hidden dangers, strictly implement the key requirements for rectification, and ensure that the major rectification work achieves effective results. It is necessary to integrate and mobilize the public security police stations, comprehensive law enforcement teams, grid officers and other forces to organize comprehensive training to improve the ability to identify and solve problems. All completed township (street) fire protection work stations have been put into front-line inspections, playing a peripheral role at the grassroots level to improve the quality and efficiency of inspections.

  (3) Acceptance evaluation (before the end of March 2024). Each region organizes an acceptance evaluation of the major rectification actions to eliminate the problem, summarize the results, and report problems. Those that fail to pass the inspection will be subject to key supervision and ordered to reorganize and carry out major rectification actions to eliminate the problem.

  6. Work requirements

  (1) Strengthen organizational leadership. All regions, relevant departments and units must resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, stand on the perspective of overall development and security, improve their political position, and regard the major rectification actions to eliminate troubles as the current overall political task of maintaining social stability. , strengthen organizational leadership, command and dispatch, tighten compaction responsibilities, take effective measures, carefully investigate hidden risks, pay close attention to the quality and efficiency of large-scale rectification work, resolutely curb the frequent occurrence of various fire accidents, and ensure the safety of people's lives, property and society The overall situation is stable.

  (2) Strengthen overall planning and promotion. All regions, relevant departments and units must effectively combine and advance the major rectification campaign against fire hazards with the three-year campaign to address the root cause of fire safety, the Spring Festival fire safety work, and the security work of the National Two Sessions, and strengthen systemic governance, comprehensive governance, Govern at the source and in accordance with the law, immediately organize and carry out a comprehensive safety risk assessment, identify key areas, sensitive places and weak links where hidden dangers are concentrated, take precise and effective measures to attack the tough problems, and make every effort to maintain the fire safety situation in the region and industry. smooth.

  (3) Strengthen supervision and ask for effectiveness. All regions and relevant departments should incorporate the major rectification actions to eliminate the problem into daily supervision and inspection, and strengthen process supervision and accountability. Units and individuals that have committed illegal acts must be strictly investigated and punished in accordance with the law; those suspected of committing crimes must be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law. Those who are found to be slow in action, perfunctory in their work, unable to detect problems, or not dealt with when problems are discovered shall be notified and criticized, and rectification shall be supervised. If the problems are serious, they shall be held strictly accountable. During the major rectification operation to eliminate disasters, if a fire accident occurs that kills and injures many people, the responsibility investigation mechanism will be launched in accordance with the procedures, and the relevant personnel will be held accountable in accordance with regulations, disciplines and laws.

  The local safety committees must coordinate and promote the major rectification operations to eliminate dangers. The specific fire rescue corps will take the lead in organizing and implementing the relevant situations and report them to the Office of the State Council Safety Committee in a timely manner. The Office of the State Council Security Committee will promptly report the work progress of various regions, relevant departments and units.