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Protesters in Kenya

Photo: Daniel Irungu / EPA

After several murder cases, thousands of people demonstrated against violence against women in Kenya on Saturday. Some participants in the demonstration in the capital Nairobi held up posters with photos of murdered women, others chanted slogans such as "Patriarchy kills" and "Being a woman should not be a death sentence."

The public in Kenya is currently concerned with several heinous murders of women. At the beginning of January, a 26-year-old woman was killed by a suspected member of an extortion gang who contacted women via dating websites and then put them under pressure.

Two weeks later, a 20-year-old was strangled and dismembered. Two suspects have since been arrested but not charged. (Here you can read more about it.)

“Femicide is the most brutal form of gender-based violence,” said the human rights organization Amnesty International on the occasion of the protest march in Nairobi. According to a government report, more than 30 percent of Kenyan women will be victims of physical violence in their lifetime, and 13 percent will experience sexual violence.
