The restaurant's sign, which bore the name "October 7", angered Israelis, led by opposition leader Yair Lapid (social networking sites)

Amman -

After sparking Israeli anger and Jordanian welcome, the “October 7” sign was removed from the front of a restaurant in Karak Governorate (southern Jordan). Two days after the sign was posted - which sparked widespread reaction at the local and Arab levels - Jordanian citizens were surprised by how quickly the sign carrying it was removed. Political connotations linked to the day the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) launched the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle.

The restaurant's owner, Basil Al-Sarayrah, broke his silence to confirm that the decision to remove the restaurant's name comes from not obtaining the necessary approval for its license from the relevant authorities.

Al-Sarayrah added to Al-Jazeera Net, "Our position is firm in standing by the Palestinian resistance, supporting the steadfastness of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and rejecting the occupation's crimes against civilian women and children in the besieged Strip. This is the position of all the people of Karak Governorate in particular and the Jordanian people in general."

Jordanians gathered in front of the restaurant, refusing to remove the “October 7” sign (social networking sites)

Israeli anger

The opening of the "October 7" restaurant caused anger among Israeli society and its leadership, especially opposition leader Yair Lapid, who tweeted in a post on his page on the X platform (formerly Twitter), saying, "The shameful glorification of October 7 must stop," adding, "We expect... The Jordanian government must condemn this matter publicly and unequivocally.”

On the other hand, the representative in the Jordanian Parliament for Karak Governorate, Ahmed Al-Qatawneh, expressed his rejection of the decision to remove the “October 7” sign, stressing in his interview with Al Jazeera Net that “removing the sign from the restaurant will not affect the people of Karak and their position in support of the Palestinian resistance and the glorious Al-Aqsa flood, as the Palestinian issue is engraved.” In the hearts and minds of the Jordanian people.

Al-Qatawneh pointed out that it is unacceptable that the decision to remove the sign coincides with calls issued by leaders in the Israeli occupation.

He added, "We stand by the owner of the restaurant against any pressure that ultimately led to the removal of the sign that refers to a day dear to all of our hearts, which is the day when the Hamas movement revealed the weakness of the Zionist army, which it has always sung about as being the invincible army, revealing a flood battle." Al-Aqsa and its aftermath reveal the extent of the Zionist crime against the Palestinian people.”

After removing the name of the restaurant during the night!!!

Representative Ahmed Al-Qatawneh in front of the October 7 restaurant:

Even if you demolish the restaurant, you will not erase October 7 from the hearts of Jordanians.

The name of the restaurant made you not sleep at night

- Khaled Walid Al-Juhani (@KhaledEljuhani) January 26, 2024

Wide interaction

For his part, Sheikh Atef Al-Majali, the sheikh of the sheikhs of Karak, confirmed that the position of the people of Karak on the Palestinian issue represents an advanced case in supporting the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Al-Majali told Al-Jazeera Net, “There may be administrative reasons that prevented the 7th of October Restaurant from being licensed, but that does not mean that we in Karak are not in a state of twinning with the Palestinian issue, and then everyone will see during the coming period that we in Karak Governorate will hang the 7th of October banner on the facades of our homes.” “As an expression of our position in support of this great day in which the Palestinian resistance achieved the great victory over the Zionist enemy.”

Just as the pioneers of the virtual world in the Arab world shared video clips of the opening of the restaurant, expressing their joy at naming it “October 7,” the decision to remove the name from the restaurant sparked the anger of a wide spectrum of social media pioneers, expressing their protest against the decision to remove the sign, which comes at a time when it was decided The occupation cut off water to Jordan, and after Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich took to a podium with what was called the “Map of the Land of Israel” with Jordan included in it, to deliver a speech in Paris.

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth had indicated that "the October 7 restaurant in a country with which we have a peace agreement is further evidence of the deterioration of relations with Jordan."

Since the morning, the Hebrew media has been circulating the news of naming a restaurant in Jordan as “7th of October Restaurant.”

The world has risen for them and will not stop!

Translation of one of the articles 👇:

“Let us start this morning in Jordan, which we supply with free drinking water, and at our expense, yesterday they opened a “mosque” for shawarma in one of the suburbs of Karak Governorate and named it…

- Thaer Al-Sartawi 🇵🇸🇯🇴🇰🇼 (@sartawithaer) January 25, 2024

Hamza Al-Dahdouh Street

On a related issue, the Karak municipality had previously named a street in the governorate after the martyr Hamza Wael Al-Dahdouh. The municipality said in a statement, “In embodiment of the sacrifice of the people in the Gaza Strip and their steadfastness in the face of the brutal Zionist barbaric attack, and in appreciation of the sacrifices of the dean of journalists and the father of the martyrs, Wael Al-Dahdouh, the council decided The Greater Karak Municipality named one of Karak’s streets after the martyr Hamza Wael Al-Dahdouh.

On October 7, the Commander-in-Chief of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, Muhammad Al-Deif, announced the launch of Operation “Al-Aqsa Flood,” after hundreds of rockets were launched from Gaza towards the occupied Palestinian territories, and the storming of military sites and settlements adjacent to the Strip, which led to deaths and injuries. Israeli soldiers, settlers and other families.

A previous opinion poll in Jordan conducted by the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan (independent) regarding the Israeli occupation’s aggression against the Gaza Strip showed that “the majority of Jordanians support the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.”

Source: Al Jazeera