China News Service, Beijing, January 27th Comprehensive news: The United Nations International Court of Justice issued a preliminary ruling on the 26th local time to prevent "genocide" in the Gaza Strip. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) announced on the 26th that it would lay off several employees related to the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) attack on Israel on October 7 last year. The United States and Canada have suspended funding to the agency. .

  The United Nations International Court of Justice issued a preliminary judgment and emergency order on South Africa's lawsuit on the 26th. The verdict requires Israel to take all measures within its power to prevent and punish direct and public incitement to commit genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The verdict requires Israel to take immediate and effective measures to provide basic services and humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip. . The International Court of Justice also requires that Israel must submit a report to it within one month describing all measures taken to implement the judgment. However, the ICJ stopped short of calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

  According to Reuters, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the accusations of "genocide" against Israel were outrageous and said that all measures would be taken to defend Israel. He also stressed that Israel has an "unwavering commitment" to international law.

  Senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri said the ruling would help isolate Israel on the world stage.

  According to the official Palestinian news agency "Wafa", Palestine welcomed the ruling of the International Court of Justice. According to reports, this ruling reminds the world that no country is above international law. Palestine calls on the international community to continue to put pressure on Israel to stop its actions in the Gaza Strip, stop "genocide" and stop displacing Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

  South Africa filed a lawsuit with the International Court of Justice on December 29 last year, accusing Israel of violating the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide by its actions in the Gaza Strip.

  According to the Associated Press, UNRWA said on the 26th that it had fired several Gaza staff suspected of participating in the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 last year. The agency's chief commissioner, Lazzarini, said Israel had previously provided information accusing several employees of participating in the attack, and UNRWA would launch an investigation. He did not elaborate on the staff's role in the attack. A total of 12 employees were charged this time.

  The United States said on the same day that it would suspend new funding to the agency while it investigates the employees involved in the incident.

  According to reports, UNRWA has been the main agency providing assistance to residents of Gaza, with 13,000 local staff. The United States is the agency's largest donor.

  According to the Times of Israel, following the United States, Canada also stopped providing funds to UNRWA.

  Israel's "Jerusalem Post" quoted relevant media reports as saying that Lebanese Hezbollah announced that Israel launched an attack on Hezbollah military facilities in southern Lebanon on the 26th, resulting in the death of four Hezbollah militants. (over)