“Grossi says that there is still a threat of a nuclear accident. We to some extent agree that there is such a threat - and the authors of such a threat can only be actions carried out by the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” TASS quotes him.

According to Likhachev, about 100 drones are neutralized in the area of ​​the station per week, and over the past few months there have been attacks on Energodar.

In addition, the head of Rosatom notes, threats and direct blackmail of employees who have entered into contracts with Zaporizhia NPP continue.

Last October, Likhachev said that Russia would look for options to restart the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in 2024.

Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi emphasized that the potential threat of a nuclear accident at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant remains very real.