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Video duration 01 minutes 48 seconds 01:48

Doctors Without Borders said that the entire health system in the Gaza Strip is now out of service after most services at Nasser Hospital were disrupted due to the Israeli aggression on the Strip.

In a statement, the organization expressed its regret that "the surgical capacity of Nasser Hospital", the largest health facility in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, has become almost non-existent, noting that the medical staff members who remained in the hospital are dealing with limited stocks of medical equipment.

“With Nasser Hospital and the European Hospital out of operation, there is practically no health system left in Gaza,” said Guimet Thomas, medical coordinator for Doctors Without Borders.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza revealed a complete power outage in the hospital, which led to all medical equipment stopping working, including respirators.

Doctors Without Borders revealed that between 300 and 500 patients were seriously injured and could not be evacuated due to the danger and lack of ambulances in the medical facility, while only 8 out of 36 hospitals are still operating “partially” in Gaza.

In an infinite toll, the number of martyrs since the start of the aggression on the seventh of last October has risen to more than 26 thousand martyrs, the majority of whom are women and children, in addition to 64 thousand and 110 injured, while more than 8 thousand others are still missing. Under rubble and on the roads, where ambulance and rescue crews cannot reach them.

Source: Qatar News Agency (QNA)