The fact that Daniel has an unusual blood type (positive 0) has made it more difficult to find a donor. Despite the fact that his kidneys are barely functioning and the need for a new kidney is urgent, it was too late to throw the issue out on social media.

In the end, Daniel, who has a 10-month-old baby at home, felt he had nothing to lose.

- It would have saved my life. It would allow me to live a normal life and feel free. It would have been invaluable, says Daniel Byström.

Life-sustaining dialysis

At home in the apartment in Malmö, a whole corner of the room fills up all the medical equipment Daniel needs on a daily basis.

He does dialysis from home 3-4 times a day, and without that treatment Daniel would not have been able to live. Each treatment takes 40 minutes, so he is limited in his everyday life.

Many people have contacted us, but so far no one has had the right blood group.

Want to spread knowledge

In addition to finding an organ donor, Daniel also wants to spread knowledge about organ donation through his post.

- There is quite a lot of ignorance about donating kidneys and living with kidney diseases. If you donate a kidney, you can live exactly the same as before, if you are healthy.