In the past, businesses have had to estimate how much rubbish they will throw away in a year - and received a fee based on that.

But according to the municipal association VafabMiljö, which, among other things, manages recycling in Västmanland and Enköping, companies have cheated with their estimates.

SEK 400 per visit

In March, new fees will therefore be introduced at the recycling centers in Västmanland. A camera at the gate must read the registration number of the companies' light trucks and send an invoice of SEK 400 for the visits made within half an hour.

- It will lead to increased costs for our customers, however, fears entrepreneur Johan Tamminen in Västerås.

- There is also the risk that unscrupulous companies will dump the rubbish elsewhere, like in nature, he warns.

Hear in the clip about Johan Tamminen's concerns and his proposal for another solution.