Antoine Bienvault / Photo credits: HENRIQUE CAMPOS / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 7:55 a.m., January 27, 2024

Reduction of administrative burdens, cancellation of the increase in the tax on non-road diesel... The Prime Minister made numerous announcements on Friday to try to put an end to the farmers' revolt. But that was clearly not enough. Friday evening, anger was still very present among many farmers.

After a week of protests, several dozen blockade points are still active across the country. Administrative simplification, cancellation of the increase in the tax on GNR, good application of the Egalim laws... Farmers were waiting a lot for Gabriel Attal's announcements on Friday. On the dams, it is clear that the measures taken by the Prime Minister were not enough to calm the anger.


- GNR, Egalim law, simplification measures... What to remember from Gabriel Attal's announcements

“We have great anger”

Even if the unions announced on Friday evening the lifting of several blockades, notably on the A64 in Carbonne in Haute-Garonne, the anger is far from having subsided. On the Saint-Arnoult tollbooth, in the Paris region, the tractors broke camp on Friday evening but according to Guillaume Chenu, president of the Young Farmers of Eure-et-Loir, met by Europe 1, the protest is far from over .

"Leave to come back stronger. Other actions are still in place and will take place this weekend. Our members will be out during the day on Sunday. If necessary we will return to Paris on Monday. The goal will be to show that we are not going to run out of steam. We have great anger, which is not going to calm down like that, so we will have to stay there over time and show our discontent over time,” he testifies.

The FNSEA calls for the movement to continue

The FNSEA also called on Friday evening to continue the movement, claiming not to be satisfied with Gabriel Attal's announcements. According to information from Europe 1, the agricultural union has also requested a new meeting with the Prime Minister in the coming days.