National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan (left) and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (Reuters)

The White House announced that National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan held constructive talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi during meetings in Thailand, which led to the two parties agreeing to keep communication channels open and manage competition between the two countries, whose relations have witnessed escalating tension in recent years.

The White House said in a statement - today, Saturday - that Sullivan stressed the necessity of working to prevent the competition between the United States and China from sliding into conflict or confrontation between the two countries.

For its part, Beijing welcomed the talks between its Foreign Minister and Sullivan, and in a statement, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs described the talks as frank and fruitful.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry explained that Minister Wang informed Sullivan of the need to search for common ground between the two countries and put aside their differences.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement: “The two sides held frank, objective and fruitful strategic discussions,” especially on “how to deal appropriately with important and sensitive issues in Sino-American relations.”

The statement explained that "the greatest challenge facing Sino-American relations is the movement calling for Taiwan independence."

Agence France-Presse quoted Wang as saying, "The United States must concretely implement its commitment not to support Taiwan's independence and to support China's peaceful reunification" with the island.

Sino-American relations have deteriorated in recent years due to several issues, including the status of Taiwan, trade, and the two countries’ struggle for influence in the Asia-Pacific region. But it seems that the two countries are keen to return to dialogue, as Washington sent senior officials to Beijing last year, and US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping also held a summit in November in California.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies