Russia's military invasion of Ukraine continues.

Russian and Ukrainian forces continue to fight in various parts of Ukraine, and many civilians have fled the country. We will keep you updated on the developments surrounding the situation in Ukraine on the 28th (Japan time), including the situation of the battle and the diplomacy of the countries involved.

(There is a 7 hour time difference between Japan and Ukraine, and a 6 hour time difference with Moscow, Russia)

President Putin emphasizes continued invasion of Ukraine in fierce battleground of World War II

St. Petersburg, Russia's second largest city, was once known as Leningrad and was the site of a fierce battle during World War II, where it was besieged by Nazi Germany for approximately 900 days and resulted in hundreds of thousands of casualties, until the Soviet army liberated the area. On the 27th, 80 years since that day, commemorative events were held in various places.

After laying flowers at the graves of the war dead, President Putin visited the newly erected cenotaph and greeted them.

In the meeting, President Putin praised the achievements of the Soviet military and also touched on Ukraine, saying, ``We will do everything to stop and completely eradicate Nazism,'' and said, ``We will do everything to stop and completely eradicate Nazism,'' and criticized the military that had unilaterally advanced Ukraine into Nazism. We once again emphasized our stance to continue the invasion.

The Putin administration is emphasizing that the Soviet Union won World War II despite many sacrifices, holding large-scale commemorative events in various places, and has taken a stance of continuing military invasions while appealing to the patriotism of the people. It seems that the aim is to seek understanding.