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Clash at a demonstration in Tel Aviv

Photo: Tyrone Siu / REUTERS

Thousands of people called for the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in central Tel Aviv on Saturday evening. "The failed government is just carrying on as if nothing had happened," said one of the speakers at the rally. The crowd then shouted, “Guilty! Fault! Shame! Shame!” as Israeli media reported.

During the protests there were also clashes between around 200 demonstrators and the police, as the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported. The police forcibly removed demonstrators who tried several times to block a street. There were also arrests.

Criticism of Netanyahu is becoming increasingly louder in public because he allegedly has no plan for the Gaza war and the period after it. Critics also accuse him of being responsible for the security forces' poor preparation and delayed response on October 7th. The brutal attack by the Islamist Hamas in the Israeli border area triggered the Gaza war.
