The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency allocates more money to the protection of valuable nature, including wetlands and the fight against invasive species.

- We have been forced to prioritize other things. The resources for the care of protected valuable nature are now lower than in many years and will have negative effects on biological diversity and visitors' nature experiences around the country, says Claes Svedlindh.

"Lower priorities"

There are several areas that will receive reduced funds in 2024

(see the fact box below).

The county board in Norrbotten will receive SEK 44,641,000 during the year. On average, this means that the several businesses receive 25 to 30 percent in reduced grants.

- There will also be no contribution to new local nature conservation efforts or projects. Only ongoing projects receive funding this year. We give outdoor life a lower priority in order to protect the management of valuable species and habitats, says Maria Widemo, head of the species unit.

"There will be changes"

Naturum Laponia, with approximately 9,000 visits per year, is one of the businesses that now receives less money from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

- This means that we are facing some necessary changes. We may need to adapt our programs and perhaps even change our opening hours a little, says director Lise-Lott Larsson Auna.

In the clip, you can hear operations manager Åsa Nordin about which cutbacks may be relevant.